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Statement sasql_stmt_result_metadata return empty results

Former Member

I am having problems getting the return from the sasql_stmt_result_metadata statement, in cases where I have several different parameter types I have empty return.

Currently using php 7.1.24 and sqlanywhere 16


$p = array(
    'dbname' => 'mydbname',
    'user' => 'userDB',
    'password' => 'passDB',
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 9999,
    'driver' => 'sqlanywhere',

$dsn = "HOST=%s:%u;DBN=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s";
$conn = sasql_connect(sprintf($dsn, $p['host'], $p['port'], $p['dbname'], $p['user'], $p['password']));

sasql_set_option($conn, 'verbose_errors', false);
sasql_set_option($conn, 'auto_commit', 'on');

$sql = "SELECT * FROM foo.tableSample WHERE (fieldInteger = ?) AND  (fieldString = ?)";
$param = [];
array_push($param, [1, 'i']); // If you use "s" get error ERRO: State 00000 - (Code: -157) Cannot convert 'sampleParamString' to a numeric
array_push($param, ['sampleParamString', 's']);

$stmt = sasql_prepare($conn, $sql);

foreach ($param as $key => $field) {
    [$value, $type] = $field;
    sasql_stmt_bind_param_ex($stmt, $key, $value, $type, false);

try {
    if (!sasql_stmt_execute($stmt)) {
        $state = sasql_sqlstate($conn);
        $code = sasql_stmt_errno($stmt);
        $message = sasql_stmt_error($stmt);
        throw new \\Exception(sprintf("ERRO: State %s - (Code: %s) %s", $state, $code, $message), 1);

    $result = sasql_stmt_result_metadata($stmt);

} catch (\\Exception $e) {

$arr = [];
while($row = sasql_fetch_array($result)) {
    array_push($arr, $row);


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member

The problem is with how you are using the sasql_stmt_bind_param_ex() function. When you call sasql_stmt_bind_param_ex() the variable $value is being bound by reference, however, as soon as you leave the scope of the foreach block, that variable is being destroyed. When you call sasql_stmt_execute() we will use whatever junk is sitting in memory at where the variable $value was sitting. That's why you will be getting incorrect results.

Instead of copying the parameters in the $param variable to local variables, bind directly to them. Change your foreach loop as follows:

foreach ($param as $key => $field) {
    sasql_stmt_bind_param_ex($stmt, $key, $param[$key][0], $param[$key][1], false);
Former Member

Solved problem, tks (:

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