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State backToStart in Design Studio

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

I want to create a home button the user can set up at any point with the use of state personalization.

The user can set their initial view with a button and the script:


This functions correctly when the user first loads the application.

The home button I have tried uses the script from this source:

The Setting up the Reset section provides this script:

var ButtonState = State.isBackToStartAvailable();  if (ButtonState) { State.backToStart();}

The  home button however does not set it back to the personalized set.

I am using DS 1.6 with HANA Views.

Thanks, Al

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Alex,

Your description is a little unclear to me.  To help us assess the issue could you possibly provide the following?:

1)  A screenshot of your application showing all the buttons associated with personalisation;

2)  The exact script for EACH of the buttons associated with personalisation.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Mustafa,

1. This is a screen shot of the basic application.

2. The Home Script could be something like:


  The Personalization button:


  I am able to set personalization button and close the application and reopen to the same radio button and  filters (the application holds the same state as when I set personalization). My hope was to get a home button so when a user is altering the radio buttons or other filters he could go back to his set personalization state with a home button.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Alex,

As per the screenshot you have provided i was asking to clear the filters if any you have made after clicking Personalization Button and before clicking Home Button and this is what i suggested in my previous reply.

Thanks for your understanding.



Former Member
0 Kudos

I was able to get my app functioning by setting a value in the maximum number of undo steps.

This is required for an undo action or a reset situation.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Alex,

If you are setting any Datasource Filter in your screen after setting personalization state using the Home button?

If yes then try to clear all the set Datasource Filter, before calling Reset to see whether the expected functionality is working or not.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sethu, Why are you suggesting clearing the filters on the data sources? When I set personalization with all the data source filters I want, it loads properly on a full start up from the Launchpad with all the filters I had on. I just want a button in the application that mimics that. Is there a way to get all the filters that were saved from the personalization state? Thanks for your help, Alex