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SRM Roles and Authorization

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We have a supplier portal we've set up with the SRM business package and are wanting to delegate some of the roles that comes with it. For instance we want to copy the Purchaser Administrator role and remove some of the iviews and assign this to people, but we also want to have the original Purchaser Administrator role to assign to the admins.

When I copy the role to a new directory and remove the iviews we don't want to include, I get a message of "You are not authorized to execute this application" when trying to access the iviews through the navigation. This of course does not happen when assigned the original role. The original role does not have an assigned actions to it, are there some other authorizations is has that I need to apply to the new delegated role? Or is this not possible to do?

-Chris Bahr

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What do you mean by <i>"..application" when trying to access the iviews through the navigation.."</i>

Are you saying you are able to create a copy of the role and remove few iViews from it and assign it to yourself and go to purchaser admin tab and find the message "you are not authorized.." ?

This makes me think of security zones.. please search for this in and that could possibly be the reason. Remember that the location (folder) that you copy the role to should have the same permission model for the new role to behave exactly like the original one...

let me know please...


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application is just what the error message said when I tried to access the iview.

"Are you saying you are able to create a copy of the role and remove few iViews from it and assign it to yourself and go to purchaser admin tab and find the message "you are not authorized.." ?"

Yes that's what I'm saying. I looked at the permissions for the folders containing each role and them seem to be the same. I'm not sure that this is the cause, as when I assign the original role to myself, both the original and copied role work and do not give me this error message. Am I right to assume that if it was a folder permissions or security zone problem then it would still not work on the copied role?

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I'm not sure I understand you.

<i>as when I assign the original role to myself, both the original and copied role work and do <b>not </b>give me this error message. </i>

So, When do you get an error? Please elaborate.


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Well I copied the role, to remove some pages/iviews we didn't want to delegate to who we assigned it to. So there's 2 roles, the original which works fine, and the copied role which doesn't. I get the "not authorized" message when viewing the iviews (web dynpro iviews it seems).

I don't think it's a folder permissions thing becuase I just tried copying the role and pasting it in the same folder and assigning it to myself and I still get the same not authorized message. When I give myself both roles (original SAP role and the one I copied) they show up as 2 seperate but identical tabs in the top level nav and neither of them give me the error message, ie both work.

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Two questions:

1) "<i>I get the "not authorized" message <b>when viewing the iviews </b>(</i>"

How are you viewing the iViews, I mean, Are you previewing them? Because the new role tab works fine as per you.

2) Can you upload a screenshot somewhere and send us the link, may be that'll help. I would like to know if the Portal is generating that error msg or if its the Web DynPro component.


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1) The new role tab only works if I have the original role assigned also. This of course is not an optimal solution because we want to delegate the copied role and to users who we do not wish to give the full original role. It gives the same error message whether previewing it or viewing it through the portal navigation when I don't have the original role assigned.

2) former picture of the error message

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Chris Bahr

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Chris Bahr

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Okay. Seems like your WebDynPro code is checking for the Role assignment before letting you use it. This is my guess. I know that you can solve this problem by modifying the code using NWDI to accomodate this new role as well and redeploying the modified application. But as I mentioned this requires NWDI infrastructure set up which is not a quick thing to do.

If it really is what I suspect, I do not know a way you can overcome this problem without modifying code. Please do check with other subject matter experts if that is the case as I have not worked with SRM roles before.


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I should add that we have installed BP Supplier Collaboration 2.0