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SQL error "SQL code: 601" occurred while accessing table "TST03M"

0 Kudos

Hello guys.

I have one system production SAP EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 on SQL MSSQL 11.00.3393.00. When i execute the transaction SP12 - TemSe Data Storage - Consistency Check show me the dump:

SQL error "SQL code: 601" occurred while accessing table "TST03M".

Database error text: "SQL message: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement."

This my first system on SQL i´m checking the OSS note 965530 - 601 Errors in SQL Server but i´m not clear. In DEV and QAS systems no presents the dump.

Appreciated the help for this case.



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Hi, Disiree

The 601 error usually indicates physical corruptions or data movement.

You firstly need to take a DBCC CHECKDB to rule out the possiblity of physical corruption (detailed steps are described in note 142731)

If the results of DBCC CHECKDB shows there is inconsistency, the database should be restored by the latest valid backup (valid backup means a backup is verified by DBCC CHECKDB without corruption).

If the results shows there are no any data inconsistencies, the601 indicates a data movement. Then please update the SQL Server service pack to the newest one and see if this change could eliminate 601 errors.  If 601 error still persists after that, please create an incident to BC-DB-MSS component with DBCC CHECKDB results, short dump files, and SQl Server ERRORLOG.

Best regards.


Active Participant
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Hi Disiree

ps. post short dump.


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Category               Installation Errors
Runtime Errors         DBSQL_SQL_ERROR
Except.                CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
Date and Time          29.04.2016 10:46:52

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    SQL error "SQL code: 601" occurred while accessing table "TST03M".                            |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Database error text: "SQL message: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to                 |
|     data movement."                                                                              |

|What can you do?                                                                                  |
|    Note which actions and entries caused the error to occur.                                     |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Consult your SAP administrator.                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Using transaction ST22 for ABAP dump analysis, you can view, manage,                          |
|    and retain termination messages for longer periods.                                           |

|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    An exception has occurred which is explained in more detail below. The                        |
|    exception is assigned to class 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB' and was not caught in                      |
|     procedure                                                                                    |
|    "TEST_CONSISTENCE_TST01" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.                 |
|    Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated this                             |
|    exception, the current program was terminated.                                                |
|    The reason for the exception is:                                                              |
|    Database error text: SQL message: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to                  |
|     data movement.                                                                               |
|    Return value of the database layer: "SQL dbsl rc: 99"                                         |

|How to correct the error                                                                          |
|    The exception must either be prevented, caught in procedure                                   |
|     "TEST_CONSISTENCE_TST01" "(FORM)", or                                                        |
|    the possibility of it occurring must be declared in the RAISING clause                        |
|    in the procedure.                                                                             |
|    To prevent the exception, note the following:                                                 |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Analyze the entries in the system log (transaction SM21).                                     |
|    If the error occurs in a non-modfied SAP program, you might be able to                        |
|    find a solution in the SAP Notes system. If you have access to the SAP                        |
|    Notes system, check there first using the following keywords:                                 |
|                                                                                                  |
|    "DBSQL_SQL_ERROR" CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB                                                           |
|    "RSPO0043" bzw. RSTS0021                                                                      |
|    "TEST_CONSISTENCE_TST01"                                                                      |
|    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the following                           |
|    information to SAP:                                                                           |
|                                                                                                  |
|    1. This description of the problem (short dump)                                               |
|    To do this, choose  System -> List -> Save -> Local File (unconverted)                        |
|    on the screen you are in now.                                                                 |
|                                                                                                  |
|    2. A suitable system log                                                                      |
|    To do this, call the system log in transaction SM21. Restrict the time                        |
|    interval to ten minutes before the short dump and five minutes after                          |
|    it. In the display, choose System -> List -> Save -> Local File                               |
|    (unconverted).                                                                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    3. If these are programs of your own, or modified SAP programs: Source                        |
|    code of these programs                                                                        |
|    To do this, choose  More Utilities -> Upload/Download -> Download in                          |
|    the Editor.                                                                                   |
|                                                                                                  |
|    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred or                         |
|    which actions and input caused the error.                                                     |

|System environment                                                                                |
|    SAP Release..... 740                                                                          |
|    SAP Basis level 0003                                                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Application server...                                                             |
|    Network address......                                                             |
|    Operating system... Windows NT                                                                |
|    Release.............. 6.3                                                                     |
|    Hardware type....... 4x AMD64 Level                                                           |
|    Character length..... 16 Bits                                                                 |
|    Pointer length........ 64 Bits                                                                |
|    Work process number... 6                                                                      |
|    Shortdump setting. full                                                                       |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Database server...                                                                  |
|    Database type..... MSSQL                                                                      |
|    Database name.....                                                                         |
|    Database user ID prm                                                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Terminal..........                                                                     |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Character set C                                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    SAP kernel....... 742                                                                         |
|    Created on....... Mar 24 2015 16:58:40                                                        |
|    Created at....... NT 6.1 7601 x86 MS VC++ 16.00                                               |
|    Database version SQL_Server_9.00                                                              |
|    Patch level....... 101                                                                        |
|    Patch text.......                                                                             |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Database............. MSSQL 9.00.2047 or higher                                               |
|    SAP database version. 742                                                                     |
|    Operating system... Windows NT 6.0, Windows NT 6.1, Windows NT 6.2, Windows NT                |
|     6.3                                                                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Memory consumption                                                                            |
|    Roll.... 0                                                                                    |
|    EM...... 16041152                                                                             |
|    Heap.... 0                                                                                    |
|    Page.... 32768                                                                                |
|    MM used. 1727328                                                                              |
|    MM free. 104688                                                                               |

|User and Transaction                                                                              |
|    Client.................                                                                    |
|    User..................                                                                |
|    Language key.......... E                                                                      |
|    Transaction......... SPAD                                                                     |
|    Transaction ID...... 611D0EE6184CF12180E4000D3A70DF0A                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    EPP whole context ID...... 000D3A70DF0A1ED683C111E9AC7EC0E4                                   |
|    EPP connection ID........ 00000000000000000000000000000000                                    |
|    EPP call counter......... 0                                                                   |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Program.............. RSPO0043                                                                |
|    Screen.............. SAPMSSY0                                1000                             |
|    Screen line.......... 6                                                                       |
|    Active debugger..... "none"                                                                   |

|Information on where terminated                                                                   |
|    The termination occurred in ABAP program "RSPO0043", in                                       |
|     "TEST_CONSISTENCE_TST01". The main program                                                   |
|    was "RSPO0043".                                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    In the source code, the termination point is in line 697 of (Include)                         |
|    program "RSTS0021".                                                                           |
|    The termination is due to exception "CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB" occurring in procedure                |
|     "TEST_CONSISTENCE_TST01" "(FORM)".                                                           |
|    This exception was not handled locally or declared in the RAISING                             |
|    clause in the procedure's signature however.                                                  |
|    The procedure is in program "RSPO0043                                ". The                   |
|     source code begins in line 653 of                                                            |
|    (include) program "RSTS0021                                ".                                 |

|Source Code Extract (Source code has changed)                                                     |
|Line |SourceCde                                                                                   |
|  667|  DATA: BEGIN OF itst01 OCCURS 200.                                                         |
|  668|          INCLUDE STRUCTURE tst01.                                                          |
|  669|  DATA: END OF itst01.                                                                      |
|  670|                                                                                            |
|  671|  DATA: l_rc(5)                                                                             |
|  672|      , l_errmsg(70)                                                                        |
|  673|      , l_length(8)   TYPE p                                                                |
|  674|      , l_buff(20),                                                                         |
|  675|      l(84).                                                                                |
|  676|                                                                                            |
|  677|* TST01-Konsistenzprüfung **********************************************                    |
|  678|  NEW-PAGE.                                                                                 |
|  679|  table_with_problem = sap_no.                                                              |
|  680|  cons_test = 'ST01'.                                                                       |
|  681|  CLEAR: last_client, last_name, commit_counter.                                            |
|  682|* FORMAT COLOR COL_NORMAL INTENSIFIED OFF INVERSE OFF.                                      |
|  683|                                                                                            |
|  684|  " Die TST01 in eine interne Tabelle kopieren, damit COMMIT moeglich                       |
|  685|  SELECT * FROM tst01                                                                       |
|  686|                      CLIENT SPECIFIED                                                      |
|  687|                      INTO TABLE itst01                                                     |
|  688|                      WHERE dclient LIKE g_client                                           |
|  689|                      AND   dname   LIKE a_name_pattern                                     |
|  690|                      ORDER BY dname dpart dclient.                                         |
|  691|                                                                                            |
|  692|  LOOP AT itst01.                                                                           |
|  693|    tst01 = itst01.                                                                         |
|  694|    ADD 1 TO looked_at_counter.                                                             |
|  695|    CLEAR counter.                                                                          |
|  696|*   TST03M is a view on TST03 which does not see the LONG data.                             |
|>>>>>|    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tst03m                                                             |
|  698|                         CLIENT SPECIFIED                                                   |
|  699|                         INTO   counter                                                     |
|  700|                         WHERE dclient = tst01-dclient                                      |
|  701|                         AND   dname   = tst01-dname                                        |
|  702|                         AND   dpart   = tst01-dpart.                                       |
|  703|    ADD counter TO commit_counter.                                                          |
|  704|    IF ( tst01-drows <> counter ).                                                          |
|  705|      PERFORM save_incons.                                                                  |
|  706|      PERFORM write_c_n_p__1.                                                               |
|  707|      WRITE: 35(84)                                                                         |
|  708|             'Falsche Anzahl von Datenzeilen in der TST03.'(110),                           |
|  709|             120 sy-vline.                                                                  |
|  710|    ENDIF.                                                                                  |
|  711|                                                                                            |
|  712|*   * if file-stored                                                                        |
|  713|    IF tst01-dstotyp = 'F' or tst01-dstotyp = 'P'.                                          |
|  714|      CALL 'C_RSTS_REMOVE' ID 'CLIENT'   FIELD tst01-dclient                                |
|  715|                           ID 'NAME'     FIELD tst01-dname                                  |
|  716|                           ID 'PART'     FIELD tst01-dpart                                  |

0 Kudos

Hi Desirée,

Take a DBCC CHECKDB with no_infomsgs against your PRD system. See SAP Note 142731.

Hope that you don't get a positive corruption result

Best regards,

Luis Darui