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SQL Central 17 and Interactive SQL crash


scjview.exe and dbisql.exe crash when you point the mouse at an icon and a description/popup should appear. A file hs_err_pid12345.log is created, approx. 8000 lines, begins with " A fatal error has been detected by the SAP Java Virtual Machine: EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION".Dbsrv17.exe continues to run normally. is installed. What do we have to change to make the GUIs run again? vcredist_x86 and x64 are reinstalled, did not help.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Can you share the log? If you have support, I suggest opening an incident to provide the file. Alternatively, I can take a look - send to <first>.<last> BTW I am not seeing the behavior but I would not be surprised if this is related to a display driver or other OS level difference. The log might help to point in the right direction.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thank you for the crash dump. The relevant stack is:

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, V=VM code (C/C++), v=VM code (generated)) j sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice.getMaxConfigsImpl(I)I+0x0 (bcx=0x0000023524db5b70) (sp=0x000000f3572fcdf0,pc=0x0000023502f306eb) j sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice.getMaxConfigs(I)I - (bcx=0x0000023524db5aba) (sp=0x000000f3572fce78,pc=0x0000023502f2a020) j sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations()[Ljava/awt/GraphicsConfiguration; - (bcx=0x0000023524db5935) (sp=0x000000f3572fcef0,pc=0x0000023502f2a020)

A quick Google query offers the following suggested solutions: * Update the graphics driver(s) * Run on a single screen setup (no dual screen) * run with -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true

The first 2 options are preferred. If those provide no relief, the final option can be used. Open a command shell and run dbisql -batch which creates a dbisql.bat file. Edit that file adding -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true to the line with java.exe. The same -batch switch is available with SQL Central which generates scjview.bat. You would then launch dbisql/scjview using the batch file.

On the surface, this is not a defect with the GUI tooling but a conflict between the graphics driver and JDK methods used to render graphics. A recent post (April '24) suggests this is seen with ATI/AMD or INTEL HD graphic cards.

We used the workaround with the batch files as an immediate solution. We are working with the specialists from the data center to find the right solution. Dual Monitor is not in use, we need to clarify what has happened to the graphics drivers. Thanks for your help, Chris!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Well that is at least some positive news. I have found addressing problems with updated display drivers is a hit and miss proposition. Thanks for sharing the crash log as it was definitely important in identifying the problem. As an aside, this same workaround can be applied to dbprof (SQL Anywhere profiler) and mlprof (MobiLink profiler).