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SQL ANYWHERE 17 | connecting to a database (hsabiso2.db) via KNIME

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Hello ,

I have problems connecting to a database (hsabiso2.db) via KNIME. The database is on a server in our network. For example, if I use access with Windows ODBC to connect to the database and its tables, from my (client) PC, this works without problems (I have admin rights).

SQL Anywhere 17 is installed.

[ODBC 32 bit Drivers] HSAB SQL Anywhere 17 (32 bit)=Installed [HSAB SQL Anywhere 17 (32 bit)] Driver=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Hs\\Ab\\Sa17\\Bin64\\dbodbc17.dll Setup=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Hs\\Ab\\Sa17\\Bin64\\dbodbc17.dll 32Bit=1


DSN=HSAB_HSABISO2 Driver=HSAB SQL Anywhere 17 ServerName=hsab_isoloc_s_app02 DatabaseName= hsabiso2 CommLinks=TCPIP{} Integrated=NO MSApplications=YES

I have Integrated the driver sap. jdbc4. sqlanywhere. IDriver in the KNIME Database, because in KNIME Windows ODBC data sources is no longer supported out of the box.

But I don’t know the correct parameterization of the database URL “jdbc: sqlanywhere: .. .” I copied (and renamed) the database locally on my PC and tried that, but it doesn’t work with KNIME. But with Access the access works here too.

I got two errors:

(1) Execute failed: Could not create connection to database: Ungültiger ODBC-Handle or (2) Execute failed: Could not create connection to database: Connection to database ‘jdbc:sqlanywhere://C:\\Users\\MyUsername\\Documents\\HSDATENSICH\\HSAB_HSABISO2_20210108_165405\\HSABisotest.db’ timed out

I would like to say to myself that I am an absolute beginner. There is no JAVA knowledge, not even in SQL.

I hope I was able to explain the problem reasonably understandably.

Greetings from germany

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0 Kudos

Hi Chris,

i work now with a local copy of the database hsabiso2.

New Url: jdbc:sqlanywhere:hsabisotest User name and Password are transferred separately in the KNIME DB Connector. I have to copy some dll and jar files in a new folder and then i had to specify this in the database preferences of KNIME when registering the driver.

It works!

I will try it now with your JDBC Url.

0 Kudos

Hello Chris,

perfect - it works with your paramters too!

Thx !!
