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sort order of documents in a collaboration room

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi everybody

i have a collaboration room where documents are stored in it. the sort order of my folders in the collaboration room is determined by the names of the folders.

now there are many folders in folders and at the bottom-level-folder there are the documents stored. these documents are sorted by the names of the documents too.

now my problem:

the sorting of the folders by name is OK, but at the bottom-level in the bottom-level-folder i need the documents sorted by "modified"-date (for all users). How can i easy made this change? (hope not to make a new layout set...:-() can you please post a guidance?

thank you for your help!


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Florian,

You should identify the layout set that you are using:

System Administration-System Configuration-KM-CM-User Interface-Show Advanced Options-Debugging Setting- edit and add your user id.

After that you must refresh your browser (F5).

Once you done that, enter in your room, you can see a render link (where you can find out the name of layout set).

Then, in System Administration-System Configuration-KM-CM-User Interface-Setting-Layout set- if you are using standandar you should duplicate it. Then you can modify it and assign it in km folder instead of the iview.


Former Member
0 Kudos

thank you for your feedbacks...

the suggested solutions are not bad but i have this problem:

in the collaboration room we use two layout sets, one for the users with write-permission (layout set FileExplorer) and one for the users with read-permissions (layout set AnonymExplorer).

in the collaboration room the folder-structure for documents should be sorted by folder-name but in the bottom-level-folders, the documents should be sortet by modified-date.

now the problem is, that i can assign only one layout set to a folder, that would mean, that the users with the read- and write-permissions both would have the same view...

do you see another solution?

please help!

thank you


Message was edited by: Florian Wittwer

Message was edited by: Florian Wittwer

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Florian,

An idea is use folder_setting command. You add this command in command group used by layout set.

Then in your folder (where you store your documents) you assing service permission to the user (assign layout).

Once you done it, enter in the room then folder and runn folder_setting command, choose the layout set.

Then enter in the room as anonymous user and repeat the same steps.

In this way you can set both layout depending on the user connect to the room.

At last, you can remove service permission in order this users can not change again it.

Don't forget to enable layout service in your repository.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Patricio

Thank you for your help. Can you specify the steps of your solution a bit more clearly, please (i'm a beginner :-)?

thank you very much


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Flo,

you could just copy your existing LayoutSet and change the default-sort-property - so this is just one little change, not a completely new LayouSet ;-). You can the assign the LayoutSet to the folder where you need the different sorting:

Hope this helps
