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Solution Manager 7.2 SPS Update with SUM

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Hello, we are in the process of updating our Solution Manager 7.2 from SPS2 to SPS4. We started SUM (SUM10SP18_8-20006676) for the ABAP instance, but Java seems not to be updated. The Stack XML file we generated in Maintenance Planner contains ABAP and Java instance (created a dependency between both). Note 2277058 (Central Note - Software Update Manager 1.0 SP18) says "By default, you update the ABAP and Java part of the SAP Solution Manager in one step using the Software Update Manager (SUM)." Is this only true for SolMan 7.1? Also it's not possible to register two SUM directories at the Hostagent, so what is the suggested procedure to upgrade both (ABAP and Java) at same time or is this not possible?

Thanks, Markus

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Hello All,

I have installed a fresh solution manager 7.2 sps02 with both the abap and java stacks installed on the same host. Now when I attempt to upgrade the stacks individually to sps04 while generating the stack.xml using the maintenance planner, I am not able to get the upgrade xml to sps04.

I mean that there is no such option for that sps04. I am following Yogesh patel's blog and have done the installation so far. Kindly help me out please.

Vishnu Muddasani

Active Contributor
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I think I already helped you and answer your question on my blog post.

Hope that answer will help you
