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SM_WORKCENTER, Alert Inbox - user unauthorized

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Dear Experts,

when users in a Solution Manager 7.2 system open the SM_WORKCENTER transaction and click on the 
Alert Inbox application, they are getting the following error:


(I apologize for the terrible quality, but this is the way I have received them)

Does anyone have an idea which role is missing ? The user already has the role SAP_SMWORK_TECH_MON assigned. Many thanks!

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Dear customer,

Please reproduce the error within the Alert Inbox application, run tr. SU53 and here you will see the authorization objects with the authorization fields needed to launch this application.

Go to transaction SU01, and assign the required authorization objects to the relevant Users.

Please check and let me know if it can help resolve the issue.

Best regards,



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Thanks Ava, this is just what I am doing, just it is a pain because the user have to test, as I don't have the appropriate browser to test it 😞
Of course, the only thing is that one cannot assign authorization objects in SU01, I am searching for a proper role. Hope the one I found
and assigned will do the thing.

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