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SLD:- Create technical landscape

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Hi Anup

Did you make an entry in services.cnf file in system32 folder. If not make an entry in the file specifying your message server and the port. Hope this helps.



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The problem is that the group PUBLIC doesn't exist on the R3 server.

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Hi Anup,

I guess you are creating ABAP technical system.

Here, you have to add ABAP R/3 system's system id. You can find it in System->status menu.

In group it is showing by default PUBLIC group.

If you have some logon groups in your SAp R/3 system then specify those. Otherwise, use default one "DEFAULT".



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Dear Bhavik and Rohit,

Actually we don't have PUBLIC group in the system and if we try to give any other group name then it is automatically overwritten by PUBLIC. We are working on this..Thnaks for ur time...



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Hi Anup,

You can create PUBLIC logon group in your SAP R/3 system.

But, if you want to use existing one, also add your existing groups at the time of creating technical system in list.

Now, when you configuring JCO at that time all these groups are shown in dropdown box. There select your appropriate group.



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Dear Bhavik,

This is waht the error, which i'm facing..Can u pls look into it??

<b>$Exception: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Connect to message server host failed Connect_PM TYPE=B MSHOST=thr3dev1 GROUP=PUBLIC R3NAME=DEV MSSERV=sapmsDEV PCS=1 ERROR Group PUBLIC not found TIME Thu Oct 13 08:54:01 2005 RELEASE 640 COMPONENT LG VERSION 5 RC -6 MODULE lgxx.c LINE 3515 DETAIL LgIGroup COUNTER 1</b>



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Hi Anup,

Create PUBLIC group in SAP R/3 system using smlg transaction.



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Dear Bhavik/Eric

I'm working on it..will create a PUBLIC group in the r/3 server. If it works then i will reply with points..



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Dear Bhavik/Eri,

Thanks for your help it worked..

I'm able to make the succesfull connection. But there still is a problem. There is no problem in the connection but the BAPI is not bringing the data from r/3. I had created a dropdown box and mapped it to the RFC but it is showing any data. Can u pls suggest..i have awarded the points to u for the previous help...



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Bind you Bapi_input node's output to the UI elements to get the output.

Also check if you are passing mandatory data to the BAPI.



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Hi Anup,

You can go to System Landscape> Technical Lanscape to create a new ABAP system .

Select WebAs ABAP from the list

It will prompt you for entering the SID as well as Group of the ABAP system

Go to SAP Logon and log in

Go to Status.You will get all the information for creating an ABAP system

Hope this helps you



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Hi ROhit,

I created 1 abap technical system.

while creating technical system what i have to choose the product.

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No offence here, but get a habit to close your threads:

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-- open, contains at least helpful (but non-rewarded) answers, moreover, instead of opening this thread you may get exact answer there.

-- open, contains at least helpful (but non-rewarded) answers.

-- open, direct point to related tutorial provided.

-- open, correct answer provided.

-- open, at least helpful (but non-rewarded) answers provided.

I’ve reviewed 20 of your 60+ posts – you reward SDN-ers only once with 2 points. Believe me, they deserve more Also closing threads helps other members to solve problems quickly in “active” mode (via search, “passive” mode is to post question and wait for replies).

See also [original link is broken]


Thank you for understanding,


P.S. 2Moderators: my pardons for moderation

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Dear Valery,

Thanks for correcting my approach. I wud keep this in my mind.

Best regds,
