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SingleSignon between SAP EP and BO system

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Hi Team,

We are trying to trouble shoot on the sso between Portal and BO systems where as SSO between Portal and BI are working fine.

Please find below the details of our scenario.

1. Our scenario is that we have Portal , BI and BO in the landscape.

2. Portal is with the BI installation and both have the same hostname ( BO is a separate system (

3. BO reports are shown as iviews in portal using an OPEN DOCUMENT URL format which is like as below and not via the BO Iview templates which come as part of Integration kit. These reports come into portal as a role upload from BI system.

The procedure they are following is that a report is created in BO and open document URL is created and passed on to BI system. In BI system a role is created with all the reports in it with respective OPENDOC urls.

These roles are taken into portal via role uploads.

5. The SSO is tested creating a system with BI system details and also the details of BO in the property category Crystal Enterprise server but still it is prompted with a BO logon screen. I donu2019t think passing on the portal certificates into BO is required as Portal is validated in BI and BI/BO are connected.

I would like to know what all steps to be implemented for connecting BI and BO for Portal/BO sso to work. I am referring a document which came with the Integratio kit. In that do we need to implement full steps in chapter 4 (configuring SAP authentication) and Chapter 5 (configuring SAP server side trust).

Please pass on a doc with exact steps for integrating BI/BO which is required for achieving SSO between Portal/BO.

Also is there anything else i need to do from Portal side. Portal certificate is already uploaded into BI system and BI/Portal SSO is working fine.



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We are using the fqdn while accessing the BO report. All the reports are created as opendocument url format and passed onto portal through BI as role uploads. Please see my original message for details of our scenario.

>> What exactly do you mean here ?

The URLs to the SAP BusinessObjects system should be included as iViews into the portal so that the portal is calling directly the system.

So you can call the reports in InfoView using your SAP credentials and you achieve SSO ?

Are all involved systems fully qualified ?

Are all involved systems in the same domain ?


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Hi Ingo,

All the url's being used are fully qualified and all the systems are in same domain.

An update from my side is that earlier SSO was not working as the BO user id doesn't have infoview access using SAP authorisation but can login through enterprise authorisation which BO team didn't notice it.

Now it is resolved and tried testing few reports and probably able to view reports without need from signing in (hopefully those are not displayed from cache). Thanks for your blogs.

I tried to create an info view url iview and able to directly login to infoview homepage from portal.

But tried to create an CMC url iview and SSO is not working for this. It is still displaying the CMC login page. Is there any diff approach for this or any setting in CMC side.



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I am trying to achieve the SSO in portal and BO for webi and crytal reports using the open document url format.

But not able to achieve SSO for CMC url iview even after passing the cmc url as

i am being prompted for CMC login screen . Am i missing something in this. Does the user id should have CMC access using SAP authentication. The userid i am using has only enterprise authentication for CMC.

Also i am trying to integrate xcelsius reports in portal using open document url . I am partly succesful in this where in BO login screen is not prompted but the report is not displayed. I see a blank screen with just a image icon.

Can you pls let me know incase i need pass any more parameters with the opendoc url for xcelsius reports.



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SSO for the reports works ?

You can configure a DEFAULT SYSTEM in the SAP Authentication in the CMC which then is being used as the default system to validate the token.

You also need to make sure that the CMC configuration is using the SAP authentication as default option.


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Hi Ingo,

SSO for the webi and crystal reports in OPEN DOC url format is working fine but the xcelsiius reports are not displayed. Is there any other flash instllation required or any parameter to be passed in the iviews for the xcelsius reports which are in open doc url format.

Will check on the SAP authentication access for CMC config and update.



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what version of the software are you using and how are you retrieving the data in XCelsius ?


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Portal Integration Part 4:

Links to part 1 - 3 are in the top part of part 4


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Also i would like to add whether creating SNC connection between BO and BI is mandatory for Portal BO SSO and also certificate upload of BI and BO systems respectively in each systems.



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Hi Bharat,

Do you have a one to one configuration of your systems.

EP dev to BO Dev to BI Dev

EP QA to BO QA to BI QA and

EP Prd to BO Prd to BI Prd

Let me know.



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Hi Sree,

Portal has come with the BI installation and BO system is a separate system. You can find the details in my original message.

Portal and BI SSO is working fine. BI/BO are also connected as BI roles can be imported to BO.

Hope i clarified your question.



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We have changed the SSO related parameter in both the web.xml files of infoview and opendocument folders in BO system.

Now when i access any BO opendocument report in portal i get a blank screen with out any report displayed or BO logon screen. But the status bar shows the following error

Access is denied

code : 0

URI: http://BOhostname/openDocument/

Please let me know how to trouble shoot on this and also can i get any log file in BO system which will have details whether the logon ticket is passed from Portal to BO.

We tried checking the log file in the path /opt/bo/BOEKB/boxi/bobje/logging in BO system but could not see the latest log files.



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Hi Bharat,

Ensure that you use FQDN for access BO server via EP, Further check if your EP and BI server SSO is working fine. Also, that you are able to logon to BO with your BI ID.

Furthermore, check BO auth (WEBI, universe, connection, etc..)

Also, how are u trying to view this in EP. I mean have u created a URL IView or a BO IView.

Let me know.



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did you configure the SAP authentication ?

Are you able to view the report with SAP credentials in InfoView / BI Launchpad ?

Are you able to refresh the report with SAP credentials in Infoview / BI Launchpad ?


Former Member
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Hi Sree,

We are using the fqdn while accessing the BO report. All the reports are created as opendocument url format and passed onto portal through BI as role uploads. Please see my original message for details of our scenario.

Hi Ingo,

I tried to check the sap authentication and it is set as per your blog. and the reports are opening directly from infoview of BO system.

To troubleshoot the error i wanted to check the log files of BO system but could not find it in the path /opt/bo/BOEKB/boxi/bobje/logging. Is this because it has to be enabled in the command line parameters of CMC for log files to accumulate using the parameter -trace.

Ours is a BO 3.1 Enterprose on Linux. Pls let me know if this parameter still works in our scenario to acumulate the logs and see the error details.

Also will these logs capture the logon ticket details which are passed from Portal.



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Hi Bharat,

Try using the ID instead of CUID.

Your URL for eg should hence be as shown below -

Check if this works fine.

Let us know.

Also, what IE version r u using..