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Should deployment wizard update path and set SQLANY16?

Former Member

Based on the docs and this SQLANY12 post I'd expect that SQLANY16, SQLANY16SAMP and the path variable should be updated by a deployment installer, but it isn't. Is this a bug, feature or opportunity for us to customize within our own installers?

0 Kudos

I can't tell for v16, however, I guess it should set these environment variables. For v12, the wizard does create an .log file that sums up what files are contained in the created MSI file, and it also lists the contained environment varibles.

And a tool like Microsoft's ORCA should show you whether the MSI does have entries in the "Environment" table.

When you say "should be updated": Do you mean they have already been set? (I'd only expect that the initial run of a v16 setup would create these variables...)

Former Member
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I meant that the PATH variable should be updated. And I created a verbose MSI log and viewed the msi in InstallShield and Orca and there was no mention of environment variables.

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Update: CR #755094 has now been resolved in and above. You can obtain the patch from:

This issue is documented as KBA #1986791.

The short answer is 'yes' - there seems to be a bug in the SQL Anywhere 16 deployment wizard. Both the 'Environment' and the 'Registry' tables inside the MSI are not currently being generated in SQL Anywhere 16 MSIs (as they have been historically).

Until we can fix this issue in an EBF, there is a temporary workaround. In the folder \\Deployment in your original SQL Anywhere 16 installation, there is a file 'master.xml'. You will need to edit this file in a text editor:

Find the lines:

<feature id="CMN32" hidden="true">
    <include id="common_registry_entries_32" />

Add the following text:

<feature id="CMN32" hidden="true">
    <include id="common_registry_entries_32" />
    <registry root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" path="SOFTWARE\\Sybase\\SQL Anywhere\\16.0">
        <key name="Location" value="[SQLANYDIR]" />
        <key name="Language" value="[LANGUAGE]" />
    <environment name="*=-PATH" value="[~];[SQLANYDIR]\\BIN32" />
    <environment name="*=-SQLANY16" value="[SQLANYDIR]" />

Find the lines:

<feature id="CMN64" deploy64="true" hidden="true">
    <include id="common_registry_entries_64" />

Add the following text:

<feature id="CMN64" deploy64="true" hidden="true">
    <include id="common_registry_entries_64" />
    <registry root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" path="SOFTWARE\\Sybase\\SQL Anywhere\\16.0" deploy64="TRUE">
        <key name="Location" value="[SQLANYDIR]" />
        <key name="Language" value="[LANGUAGE]" />
    <environment name="*=-PATH" value="[~];[SQLANYDIR]\\BIN64" />
    <environment name="*=-SQLANY16" value="[SQLANYDIR]" />

I have opened this issue for further investigation as CR #755094. I will update this thread once we have some further information to share. Thank you for the bug report.

Former Member
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When I tried this workaround the deployment MSI fails at "Action register_sc_plugins_32, location: c:Program FilesSQL Anywhere 16BIN32, command: c:Program FilesSQL Anywhere 16BIN32\\scjview.exe -register_sqlanywhere"


@Jeff: The CR link offers just an "empty description", and the KBA link (whatever this does mean) requires a login - could you please supply a user-readable link as usual?

Former Member
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Reviewing the resulting MSI deployment file, the registry entry for Shared Location was not created from the XML entry 'SOFTWARESybaseSQL Anywhere16.0' Shared Location = '[SQLANYDIR]' but I don't know enough about your deployment wizard to reverse engineer a solution.


Yes, I can also reproduce this issue if I try a Sybase Central deployment. I have now altered my instructions above to correct this - thank you for pointing this problem out.

0 Kudos

Yes, this was my mistake - my apologies. This setting isn't applicable and was taken from another context. See my changes above.


@Jeff: The CR link offers just an "empty description"

Yes, this link should be updated shortly. It will be public once it is published.

and the KBA link (whatever this does mean) requires a login

SAP Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs) are accessible to SAP customers with an SAP Support plan. These articles are published by SAP Technical Support and are analogous to the old 'Solved Cases' search area from Sybase.

could you please supply a user-readable link as usual?

The public fix information on should be published shortly - please check back in a couple of days.

Looking to the farther future though, SAP's general policy is that bug fix information, support patches, and knowledge base solutions are only available to customers with support plans.

However, we will continue to post bug fix information to and provide links to this source while it is still available.

Former Member
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Did you test your revised fix? I'm still getting the same error.

Former Member
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BTW, you will get this error when you don't install everything on your deployment build machine. The original problem remains and we must open the MSI to add our shortcuts and edit the build version.

0 Kudos

Yes - although I'm not sure the changes above are necessarily related to your error.

The latest official Support Package (SP) for Windows 16.0 should now contain all of the necessary changes - please apply the Support Package and let us know if this situation changes for you.