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Setting up SSO using reference system

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I am trying to setup SSO in EP 7 with backend R/3 and BW systems. The portal user id's and the backend system userid's are different. However backend systems have the same user id. I was referring to the SAP documentation and found that we have to define a Reference System. I have also exported the certificate from Portal into R/3 and BW and configured the STRUSTSSO2 setup. Can any one let me know how do I create the reference system (R/3 or BW) and how do I map the users now from the reference system.

Your help would be most appreciated.

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Hi Venkata,

Take a look at this thread...


There are some links mentioned here that can help you.


Benjamin Houttuin

Former Member
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Thanks Benjamin for the reply. I want to use the LDAP Directory Attribute as the ABAP User ID since we are using LDAP direcory as data source in portal.

I have already done the following:

1. Modifying data source configuration file to include the attribute containing the ABAP user ID

2. Changing the UME Properties.

ume.usermapping.refsys.mapping.type = attribute

Now how do I setup the reference system ? The reference system is the LDAP Direcory right ? How do we create it in EP7 ?

System Admin-> System Landscape->New system from (template or PIR) ?

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Here is a link to: [Configuring a Reference System for User Mapping|]


Benjamin Houttuin

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Thanks Rahul. I have already setup an R/3 reference system. I wanted to know how do we set up an LDAP reference system since I have already created ABAP user ID as an addtional field in LDAP.

Former Member
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Hi Rahul.

You are correct. Portal is connected to LDAP system and the user id's are different on ABAP backend system. Instead of using the reference system as an SAP backend system, I want to create additional attribute in LDAP as descirbed in the below docuemntation. Now How do I create the reference system in EP 7.0. Is the reference system now the LDAP system ?


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OK...for SSO purpose if you have your user id different in the backend SAP use SSO with logon ticket and User mapping. create a system object and fill the necessary properties of your backend and then you need to user map these users since your portal user ID which is coming from your LDAP is different from your backend SAP.

Define the reference system in the user management configuration tool...In the user management configuration tool, choose Security Settings. For more information on the user management configuration tool, see Enterprise Portal Administration Guide → Portal Platform → System Administration → User Management

Configuration → User Management Configuration Tool.. In R/3 Reference System, enter the system alias of the above system... Restart the Java application server

I think you got the idea of reference system a lil confused..

hope this helps..


Former Member
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For the SSO connection check the below info:

SAP released this Note called 1083421 . There is a wizard called SSO2Wizard_700.ZIP which you can download from the Note. This not is valid since 23.12.2007 so I have to conclude this is fairly new. The wizard when downloaded can be accessed via http://<FQDN>:<port>/SSO2 this can help SSO logon ticket issues from the ABAP side and it automatically checks for inconsistencies. Its like the template Installer or the Support Tool we have for BI

For the LDAP stuff, check this out

so...are you saying that the portal is connected to the LDAP and now you want to connect your SAP system to LDAP ??

Hope the above info helps..