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Setting Northwind as a destination for Business Application Studio


I am setting up a destination to Northwind in a trial account of SAP cloud platform.

My understanding is that the destination should be configured as follows:

I am hoping that with this destination and the path /V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc/ I will be able to access Northwind from my apps in BAS.

However, when I test the connection (in the destination configuration area) I get popup with:

Failure reason: "An error of type SSLHandshake occurred during check connection!

I can get a successful check response if I change the URL to use HTTP instead of HTTPS but then the wizard in BAS (Project from template) is unable to read the metadata of the service and fails.

Of course I would like to get HTTPS working.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


This issue resolved itself over a weekend without any changes being made. In case anyone else hits this issue:

On a Friday I configured a destination using settings as shown in the question.

When hitting the "Check Connection" button in the "Destinations" section I got the error message

Failure reason: "An error of type SSLHandshake occurred during check connection!

When retrying on the Monday without any changes I get the success message:

Connection to "Northwind" established. Response returned: "200: OK"

I did clear the browser cache on the Friday but it did not resolve the issue.

Unfortunately I am not providing a solution except to state that the connection settings are correct and time will resolve. If you hit this situation and manage to find a fix or at least find an explanation please share.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

How are you trying to request data from the App Studio?
Do you know this tutorial? It archives something similar and might point you the right way.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the quick response Marius.

I was getting the error when clicking the "Check Connection" button in the "Destinations" section.

It appears to have resolved somehow over the weekend without any changes. I will put the details in an "answer" post in case any one else hits this issue