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SAP UWL right click on task needs to be disabled

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Technoholics,

I am working on portal 7.3 SP4.

While when I click on task, there are set of options displayed like

- Add Note

- Display Details in SAP GUI

- Manage Attachments

- Create Adhoc Request

- View Hostory

- Assign to Me, etc.

We want to disable all the options which are coming on right click of the task.

Seeking an URGENT help.


Chinmay J

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chinmay,

      From the UWL point of you the options you mentioned are the 'actions in UWL'.

      You can manage this at iview property level.

       Go to your Inbox Iview property -> select property category -> UWL

        -> select attibute -> <here you can add the actions to exclude>

     For example if you add manageAttachments then you will not have this action anymore.

    Please let me know if you need any further help from me.


Best Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, Thanks for your response.

I was able to do that.

There are 4 Actions for which i require exact names.

1) defaultAction

2) Assign to Me

3) Cancel Assignment

4) Launch Webdynpro

I want action names for above 4, remaining ones I have managed to remove by finding exact names from uwl.xml file which is standard XML.

Thanks for your information.


Chinmay J