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SAP PO 7.5 - Could not set SSL socket factory!


Hi all,

In a new PO double stack 7.50 system we are setting up our first Rest service.

It uses OAuth2 Client credentials grant.

We've updated the ciphers and installed the certificates and eliminated the handshake failures.
When we are trying to send a message now we get this error:

MP: exception caught with cause HTTP OAUTH 2.0 GRANT call to https://<hostname>:443/development/portal/nativeoauthprovider/oauth2/token not successful. Could not set SSL socket factory!

I have never seen this error before to be honest. These are the OAuth settings:

it could be related to the settings or possibly to the general settings of PO since it's a brand new installation. Also it is a double stack which is new to me.

Any idea what causes this?

The same request via Postman request functions like a charm.

One other thing I saw in the message log was the mention of SAP PASSPORT::

Set HTTP Header SAP-PASSPORT to 2A54482A0300....

Where is that coming from?



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