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SAP OVP how to use global filter in custom card


Hey experts,

we succsessfully developed some custom cards, make it resizeable and are able to navigatie from it. Now we're faceing a problem with the global filters from OVP. The Filter does not trigger a Odata-Request for my custom cards. Is there any special method in the custom controller which is called as event handler? i already tried some lucky shots like "onFilter", "onDataFilter" without success.

I attached the relevant coding.

Thanks a lot!


Custom Structure

Custom Component

custom controller

custom controller

custom controller

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It is/was way easier than we imagnied. We were afraid of directly using the models we did not instanciate ourself.
We made it work by using the oDataModel the OVP itself is using.

We bind our own Card to the EntitySet which provides our data. The Framework is updating the binding with the values from GlobalFilters like it does for every other (standard) Card, too.

P.S. Thomas and I are colleagues and just updating this here to complete the answer in case someone else would search for it.

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Hi Paul,

Is is possible for you to guide me how you achieved this ? A code snapshot will be a great help!!


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My latest comment on Thomas' post already has it in the screenshot.

The model of the OVP is already in the context of the card and therefore can be accessed.

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Hi Paul Buttner,

In my manifest i have defined the model and the entityset for my custom card.

But still data is not coming into my custom card based on filter selection.

My custom card is a simple form with just text and value which needs to come from my Model which the other OVP cards are using.

Please let me know what am I missing

