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SAP Netweaver 7.51 abap developer edition install failed

Former Member
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I am trying to install sap_netweaver_as_abap_751_sp02_ase_dev_edition on Linux, but failing continuously... I am using following blog post for this: Installing ABAP AS 751 SP02 on Linux

I run the installation, by entering the command ./ and getting following error:

Execute step checkSybaseUser of component |offlineadjustment_dialogs|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|offlineadjustment_os_users|ind|ind|ind|ind|osUsers|0|NW_GetDBUserParameter|ind|ind|ind|ind|getDBUserParameter|0|NW_GetUserParameterUnix_syb|ind|ind|ind|ind|syb_unix|0
ERROR 2018-05-12 20:38:59.057 (root/sapinst) id=modlib.jslib.caughtException errno=MUT-03025
Caught ESAPinstException in module call: Validator of step |offlineadjustment_dialogs|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|offlineadjustment_os_users|ind|ind|ind|ind|osUsers|0|NW_GetDBUserParameter|ind|ind|ind|ind|getDBUserParameter|0|NW_GetUserParameterUnix_syb|ind|ind|ind|ind|syb_unix|0|checkSybaseUser reports an error: 

To solve that problem start the installation without using SAPINST_START_GUI option..


how to fix this error message?

I am using Win10 and installing ABAP on Oracle Virtualbox(OpenSUSE 64-bit)

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You can try this guide: At first glance, they are similar, but, perhaps, there will be some differences.

Former Member
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Hello Maxim,

The problem still occurs. If I run with -g option, getting following error:

SAPCAR: processing archive /home/developer/netweaver/server/TAR/x86_64/SWPM10SP20_4-20009701.SAR (version 2.01)
SAPCAR: 1593 file(s) extracted
[==============================] \ extracting... done!

SAPinst build information:
Version: 749.0.28
Build: 1770975
Compile time: Jul 05 2017 - 13:39:50
Make type: optU
Codeline: 749_REL
Platform: linuxx86_64
Kernel build: 749, patch 300, changelist 1770269
SAP JRE build: SAP Java Server VM (build 8.1.030 25.51-b02, Apr 26 2017 16:01:22 - 81_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:288514 (mixed mode))
SAP JCo build: 3.0.16
SL-UI version: 2.6.2
SAP UI5 version: 1.42.4
Exe directory: /tmp/sapinst_exe.6504.1526160751


Downloading CRL with /tmp/sapinst_exe.6504.1526160751/jre/bin/java -Xmx512M -cp "/tmp/sapinst_exe.6504.1526160751/*" "/root/.sapinst/crlbag.p7s"
A child process has been started. Pid = 6524
Started thread eventLoop (140423727732480)
Entering event loop
Started thread SLPCommunicator (140423746021120)
account user="root" uid="0" exists with parameter home="/root"
File /root/.sapinst/permfile.cfg written ok.
File /root/.sapinst/accessUserList.cfg written ok.
Unable to determine parameter "DNS domain name". DNS domain name is not configured in resolv.conf (UNIX) or the registry (Windows) and neither getaddrinfo nor gethostbyname could retrieve it.

Exception thrown near line 228 in file /bas/749_REL/bc_749_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/syslib/network/syxxcnwmgt.cpp
At line 228 file /bas/749_REL/bc_749_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/syslib/network/syxxcnwmgt.cpp
Call stack:
/bas/749_REL/bc_749_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/baselib/CThrThread.cpp: 73: CThrThread()::staticThreadFunction()
/bas/749_REL/bc_749_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/baselib/CThrThread.cpp: 80: CThrThread(SLPCommunicator)::threadFunction()
/bas/749_REL/bc_749_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/guiengine/CSLPCommunicationServer.cpp: 100: CSLPCommunicationServer::doWork()
/bas/749_REL/bc_749_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/src/syslib/network/syxxcnwmgt.cpp: 144: iastring CSyNetworkMgtImpl::getDNSDomainName() const

Unable to determine parameter "DNS domain name". DNS domain name is not configured in resolv.conf (UNIX) or the registry (Windows) and neither getaddrinfo nor gethostbyname could retrieve it.
Failed action: with parameters
Error number 301 error type SPECIFIC_CODE


0 Kudos

In my case, I didn't install any GUI at all.
And one more difference from the manual. I setup VM network to network bridge to my home router (in this case you should bypass port forwarding setup). At the router I assign static IP (in a DHCP section) to vhcalnplci host.

You should try this. It worked for me. And make sure you specified the correct ip for vhcalnplci in /etc/hosts of a guest system.

Former Member
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Hi Maxim,

I set a hostname for a specific static IP but occurs again the same error.