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SAP Mobile Services Client Keeps Crashing

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we are  facing an issue with the SAP Mobile Services Client application. The app is crashing frequently, and we receive the error message: "Mobile Svcs keeps stopping".mvcs.jpg

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@Riyaz_abdulCould you share the page metadata so I can understand exactly what you've tried?

0 Kudos

@Jitendra_Kansal,Thank you for your response! Here is the page metadata I am using:
"Controls": [
"FilterFeedbackBar": {
"ShowAllFilters": false,
"_Type": "Control.Type.FilterFeedbackBar"
"_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable",
"_Name": "SectionedTable",
"Sections": [
"Header": {
"_Type": "SectionCommon.Type.Header",
"_Name": "SectionCommonTypeHeader0",
"AccessoryType": "None",
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"TopSectionSeparator": false,
"BottomSectionSeparator": true,
"HeaderSeparator": true,
"FooterSeparator": true,
"ControlSeparator": true
"_Type": "Section.Type.ObjectTable",
"Target": {
"EntitySet": "Supplier_table",
"Service": "/mdk_mqbid/Services/Myservice.service",
"QueryOptions": ""
"_Name": "SectionObjectTable0",
"Visible": true,
"EmptySection": {
"Caption": "No record found!",
"FooterVisible": false
"ObjectCell": {
"ContextMenu": {
"Items": [],
"PerformFirstActionWithFullSwipe": true,
"LeadingItems": [],
"TrailingItems": [],
"_Type": "ObjectCell.Type.ContextMenu"
"Title": "{title}",
"Subhead": "{doc_id}",
"Footnote": "{main_invitationId}",
"Description": "{invitationId}",
"StatusText": "{smvendor_id}",
"SubstatusText": "{phone_main}",
"PreserveIconStackSpacing": false,
"AccessoryType": "DisclosureIndicator",
"Tags": [],
"AvatarStack": {
"Avatars": [
"Image": ""
"ImageIsCircular": false
"Icons": [],
"OnPress": "/mdk_mqbid/Actions/Myservice/Supplier_table/NavToSupplier_table_Detail.action",
"_Type": "ObjectTable.Type.ObjectCell",
"Selected": false
"Search": {
"Enabled": true,
"Placeholder": "Item Search",
"BarcodeScanner": true,
"Delay": 500,
"MinimumCharacterThreshold": 3
"DataPaging": {
"ShowLoadingIndicator": true,
"LoadingIndicatorText": "Loading more items, please wait..."
"HighlightSelectedItem": false
"LoadingIndicator": {
"Enabled": true,
"Text": "Loading, please wait..."
"_Type": "Page",
"_Name": "Supplier_table_List",
"ActionBar": {
"Items": [
"_Type": "Control.Type.ActionBarItem",
"_Name": "ActionBarItem0",
"Caption": "",
"SystemItem": "Add",
"Position": "Right",
"IsIconCircular": false,
"OnPress": "/mdk_mqbid/Actions/Myservice/Supplier_table/NavToSupplier_table_Create.action"
"_Name": "ActionBar0",
"_Type": "Control.Type.ActionBar",
"Caption": "$(L,Supplier_table)"
I noticed that the app crashes only when the AvatarStack block is included in the metadata and the Title field is empty for one of the records. Here’s the specific part of the metadata:
"AvatarStack": {
"Avatars": [
"Image": ""
"ImageIsCircular": false
"Icons": []

When I remove the AvatarStack block (as shown above), the app stops crashing even if the Title field is blank.

Could this issue be related to the Avatar component interacting with empty or null Title fields? Let me know if additional details are needed.