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SAP iRPA: DispPropertyPut error

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Dear experts!

Could you please check, what's wrong with my Try...Catch statement? I've got DispPropertyPut error when an error happened and I want to log the error members to excel file. Of course it is opened and activated.

Thanks a lot.

Screenshot and details attached.

Regards, JV

DispPropertyPut Value Member not found.

"uid": "957fc6b7-a51a-47af-b493-85b724f808de", "name": "CoreExtraction", "type": "automation", "attended": true,
"duration": 2, "status": "Failed", "code": "KO", "label": "DispPropertyPut: Value Member not found.\r\n", "line": 64,
"stepId": "9",
"exception": "irpa_core.error.Error", }
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Hi Jan,

the issue here is that you are trying to retrieve a value that doesn't exist.
Can you provide more information about your automation and what values are you using in the activities?