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SAP HANA Express 2.0: Permission Denied



I'm trying to install SAP HANA Express 2.0 on Suse 12 SP1, but keep getting the same 'Permission Denied' error. What have i missed?

I have followed the installation guide; download, extract (hxe.tgz and hxexsa.tgz) and started

I have also tried to change owner and group on the file/files before starting the installation with no luck. The error is still coming 😞

I used the same Suse installation for SAP HANA Express 1.0 with success.

Enter HANA, express edition installer root directory:
    Hint: <extracted_path>/HANA_EXPRESS_20
HANA, express edition installer root directory [/root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20]: 
Enter component to install:
   server - HANA server + Application Function Library
   all    - HANA server, Application Function Library, Extended Services + apps (XSA)
Component [all]: 
Enter local host name [server.hostname.local]: 
Enter SAP HANA system ID [HXE]: 
Enter HANA instance number [90]: 
Enter master password: 
Confirm "master" password: 
# Summary before execution                                                   #
HANA, express edition installer : /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20
  Component(s) to install : HANA server, Application Function Library, and Extended Services + apps (XSA)
  Host name               : server.hostname.local
  HANA system ID          : HXE
  HANA instance number    : 90
  Master password         : ********
Proceed with installation? (Y/N) : y
Installing HDB server...
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA Express Edition
Start reading from input channel...
... Done.
Summary before execution:
SAP HANA Express Edition System Installation
   Installation Parameters
      Remote Execution: ssh
      Use single master password for all users, created during installation: Yes
      Installation Path: /hana/shared
      Local Host Name: server.hostname.local
      SAP HANA System ID: HXE
      Instance Number: 90
      Local Host Worker Group: default
      Database Mode: multiple_containers
      Database Isolation: low
      System Usage: development
      Location of Data Volumes: /hana/shared/data/HXE
      Location of Log Volumes: /hana/shared/log/HXE
      Directory containing custom configurations: /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/configurations/custom
      Certificate Host Names: server.hostname.local -> server.hostname.local
      System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/HXE/home
      System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/bash
      System Administrator User ID: 1000
      ID of User Group (sapsys): 79
      Restart system after machine reboot?: Yes
      Inter Service Communication Mode: ssl
   Software Components
      SAP HANA Database
         Install version
         Location: /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64/server
         Install version
         Location: /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/HDB_AFL_LINUX_X86_64/packages
      SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime
         Do not install
Installing components...
Installing SAP HANA Database...
  Preparing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
  Preparing package 'Python Support'...
  Preparing package 'Python Runtime'...
  Preparing package 'Product Manifest'...
  Preparing package 'Binaries'...
  Preparing package 'Krb5 Runtime'...
  Preparing package 'Installer'...
  Preparing package 'Ini Files'...
  Preparing package 'Documentation'...
  Preparing package 'Delivery Units'...
  Preparing package 'Offline Cockpit'...
  Preparing package 'DAT Languages (EN, DE)'...
  Preparing package 'DAT Configfiles (EN, DE)'...
  Creating System...
  Extracting software...
  Installing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
  Installing package 'Python Support'...
  Installing package 'Python Runtime'...
  Installing package 'Product Manifest'...
  Installing package 'Binaries'...
  Installing package 'Krb5 Runtime'...
  Installing package 'Installer'...
  Installing package 'Ini Files'...
  Installing package 'Documentation'...
  Installing package 'Delivery Units'...
  Installing package 'Offline Cockpit'...
  Installing package 'DAT Languages (EN, DE)'...
  Installing package 'DAT Configfiles (EN, DE)'...
  Creating instance...
  Starting SAP HANA Database system...
  Starting 5 processes on host 'server.hostname.local' (worker):
      Starting on 'server': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher
  Starting 6 processes on host 'server.hostname.local' (worker):
      Starting on 'server': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher
      Starting on 'server': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher
      Starting on 'server': hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher
      Starting on 'server': hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbwebdispatcher
      Starting on 'server': hdbdaemon, hdbwebdispatcher
    All server processes started on host 'server.hostname.local' (worker).
Installing Resident hdblcm...
Installing SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL,HIE)...
Installation of SAP HANA Express Edition System failed.
  Installation of SAP HANA AFL (incl.PAL,BFL,OFL,HIE) failed
    Cannot execute program /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/HDB_AFL_LINUX_X86_64/hdbinst: /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20/DATA_UNITS/HDB_AFL_LINUX_X86_64/hdbinst: Permission denied
0 Kudos

I too get the same error ...

When I go to the directory and run ./hdbinst it runs .. and apparently AFL is installed.

Another error I noticed is that XSA is not installed ...

Please help

0 Kudos

Hi Varun,

I have also tried to install AFL manually after the installer failed, but i am not sure that all is included.

Maybe we just need to install all the missing parts one by one 🙂

What I noticed (and I am no SUSE/Linux expert so it might be obvious..) is that the install fails like you described if I the extracted installation folder is in root's home dir. Like Documents or Downloads.

When I moved it to /tmp the install went fine (until it failed on deploying the hana cockpit, but that seems to be another issue). I dunno why that is, I would expect the installation itself to actually happen in whatever Linux has for a Program Files equivalent.

Best regards


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


What account do you to install?

Installing the SAP server requires root permissions.

It could also be an issue on file permissions.

If running the installer as root fails, could you try

# chmod -R 777 /root/Documents/HANA_EXPRESS_20



did run into the same thing when installing from /root/.... The chmod didn't help me out. So I've tried to install from /opt.

Now guess what it ran trough smoothly.

0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

Did you get both HANA core and XSA installed without problem just by changing to /opt?

What HW are you using? CPUs, RAM, Disk, Swap,... Any speciel additions to SLE 12.1?

I have used /tmp, but XSA always fails 😞

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Henrik,

to be honest I'm doing that thing inside a LXC container ... 6 CPUs, unlimited disk usage, shared swap(was going up to 3GB), 24GB RAM limit - Ubuntu 16.04(we're all linux). I did the chmod in /opt too.

As far as I can see 28GB RAM schould be fine for the installation !

I'm working on a post for That

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

Hm, I just tried one more time with SLE 12.1 SAP, 4 cpu, 24 gb ram, 200 gb disk and 3 gb swap on Vmware 6. Same result as always; error.

Think i will give Ubuntu a try 🙂

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

No luck on Ubuntu 16.04 😞

Looking foreward to your post!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

chmod worked for me on RH7.4

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

0 Kudos

This issue is addressed here: (see Aleksandar Tsvetkov's response)

0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

It's not quite the same problem. Aleksandar adresses the problem with hostname without 2 dots. I have all the time used a hostname.

My problem is that the XSA is not properly installed and fails during installation of XSA. Installing only HANA DB is working.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Henrik:

I'm sorry but I don't understand how the two dots are involved? Are you saying that Aleksandar has told you how to address a problem for simple hostnames, but that the problem here has something to do with complex hostnames that contain multiple dots in them?

0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

I'm referring to this comment by Aleksandar. Is it the same as you are referring to?

My problem is the same as Axel now have; It fails to install Web IDE and often other modules.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

Do you know if they found a solution to the install problem? Would love to get start playing with my own installation 🙂

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Henrik:

Here's the suggestion from the deploy service and product installer team:

"From the thread, it looks like the deploy operation of the audit log ui failed for some reason. It would be best to see the deploy logs to get an idea why it has failed. You can download them with:

"xs download-mta-op-logs"

You can get a list of all mta operations with:

"xs mta-ops"

Can you take those steps and share the results here please?



0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

Not quite sure witch parameters are expected.

I have tried with below, but it's no success.

I did login 'xs login' with xsa_admin before running the commands.



0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

If it helps I could do a new installation and give the deploy service and product installer team remote access to the system. Alternative I could also just setup a Suse system with the SAP HANA Express 2.0 files and they could do the installation.

Drop me a direct message and I will provide the connection info.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Henrik:

I have reached out to my colleagues on the product-installer team to get their input.

We'll get back to you.


0 Kudos


If you need some more info i'm happy to run a new installation.

Regards Henrik

0 Kudos

Hello Henrik:

When you say above that "I got it working with a combination of changing permissions and install location (installed from a not HOME directory)." did that only include the database server and not XSA? Or were you able to get XSA installed once and now it is failing?

The reason I ask is because when I saw the symptoms you reported before, I addressed the problem by changing the permissions of my home directory (where I had extracted the HANA Express binaries) to 755. Denys Van Kempen's suggestion of 777 will, of course, accomplish the same thing. You will also need to take Kannan's advice and run using sudo after making this change.

If that still doesn't solve the problem, then I will pass the problem on to some product installer colleagues for further suggestions. The error in the log does not give enough information for me to make any further recommendations: "Output line 409: ##ERROR## step :"Product Installer" reported: Installing the Product Installer application failed: Execution of command 'deploy /hana/shared/HXE/xs/installation-scripts/installation/../../installdata/apps/product-installer/product-installer.mtar' failed."

0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

It was when i tried to install both DB and XSA. When i install only DB i have no problems. I have tried several times following the advise i have given or found. Setting the permission to 777 and using sudo has done some of the job 🙂

I have also tried using dblcmgui. It all end up with a error during the



Former Member
0 Kudos

I assume you tried

% cd <directory where files are extracted>

% sudo ./

sudo is important.

0 Kudos

It might be sudo is important, but it does not solve all problems 🙂

I still have problems installing. Now it's stopping at XSA.

Any ideas how to solve this 😉

Former Member
0 Kudos

Could you please send the complete log? Thank you!

0 Kudos

Sorry, but i do not have the log any more. It got deleted when i tried one more time.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Does it work when you tried one more time? Thanks!

0 Kudos

No. I have tried several times and always get stuck on XSA.

If I install without XSA it works.

Here is a log from one of the attempts.

0 Kudos

Hi Denys,

I got it working with a combination of changing permissions and install location (installed from a not HOME directory).

Not sure what did it, but i got it installed 🙂

0 Kudos

Hi Henrik:

I'm unable to direct message you for some reason. Can you try direct messaging me and giving me the connectivity information please?



0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

I will send you a pm as soon as i'm back from the slopes 🙂

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Carl,

Please try PM once more. I'm now following you so you should be able to initiate a PM.

Best regards,
