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SAP GUI Issue: The SAP animated focus does sometimes not allign correctly.


Hello Everyone, 

we're curreently trying to pubish the SAP GUI 7.60 via Microsoft Remote Apps.
At the moment we're experience issues with SAPs integrated Red Box to focus the current dialog the User selected.In order to clarify the issue: 

As seen above, the red box does not fully allign with the GUI and so is the Userinput. 
So basicly you'll have to click the "missplaced" red box in order to write in the textfield.
This problem occurs since we publish SAP via the Microsoft Remote App function. This happens randomly and there is no clear reason or way to reproduce this atm. This also does not depand on a spefic transaction. 
Before we used Citrix Virtual Apps without any difficulties.

We're using Windows Server 2022 RDS Services in order to host and publish the Apps.
It seems like a scale/resolution issue but so far i was not able to find a solution or clues in order to get rid of this issue.

Does anyone have similar issues or ideas on how to prevent that from Happening?

Thank you very much and kind regards!

UI SAP GUI for Windows 

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


Have you tested the issue in the latest SAP GUI release? 8.00?

The release you're using is very old and not supported anymore.

Also, does the issue occurs in a native Windows workstation as well? You may ask support for OS perspective in case the issue occurs only with the VDI.



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yea in the meantime a managed to test it with an 800 release.
In our 800 GUI i was able to set the feature. Since we're still in 800 rollout, i was wondering if there is a solution for our current release since we haven't yet ecountered this issue when using the old virtualization product.

Since we're still missing a installation file, i'm not able to fully test this, but i'm fairly sure this would solve this issue!

Thank you very much!

Kind regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Dominik, searching by the KBAs/Notes related to "animated focus", I found almost 20 corrections, all of them are delivered in the SAP GUI patches. This is certainly a programming error that already got solved in the new SAP GUI patches (so, no workaround) :(. ->760 is not supported since 2022