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SAP Exit Variable..How to Supress

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When i am querying on a datatarget that has time characteristics and if they have variables with processing type SAP Exit, they are popping up at the time of execution,I havent specified in query def .

I want to know Y it to supress ..I had done someother things to supress ,but didnt find it suitable though it serves my purpose now. I am talking about BEx,not WAD. So kindly suggest some solution with explanation.

Ex : 0calday ( with SAP Exit) .



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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think the answer is:

1. set query property to "Save and reuse variable values"; you will find this on the Interaction tab of of the query properties dialog box

2. if you want to change a variable value at run time, use VBA to change the value that was stored. You will find this value on the hidden sheet named SAPBEXqueries in a table that starts in cell FY2. This sheet can not be made visible from Excel, but it can be made visible using VBA. The command to make it visible is:

Sheets("SAPBEXqueries").visible = True

To make it quite invisible again, the command is:

Sheets("SAPBEXqueries").visible = xlSheetVeryHidden


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Krishna,

It must be misunderstanding.

0CALDAY is a time characteristic, not a variable.

Variables on 0CALDAY you can see in Query Designer, expanding 0CALDAY node, below it.

SAP Exits usually don't popup at all.

Whether variables pops up or not depends on variable settings. Particularly, 'not ready for input' option should prevent popping up.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hey Eugene,

thats what I actually meant..variable on 0calday ( processing type for it sap exit) , I didnt define in my query def . but still its showing me current cal day . I dont want that. Check with some cube like 0pur_c04 or something.


I have seen your previous posts and you have given some option called force variable display with respect to web templete. I want to know this Bex designer.

Help me .

pls respond.



Former Member
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Do you mean that I see 0CALDAY in 0pur_c04 cube?

0CALDAY you can see in many cubes.

But variables on 0CALDAY you mainly use in queries.

They (variables) may be of different types.

For example, in my system I can see:

- variables starting with 0. Usually they are SAP Exits. And usually they don't pop up and calculate their values in background.

- custom variables starting with Z. They may be of user entry, replacement path, customer exit types.

Many custom vars may be of user entry, ready for input.

In this case the popup screen will appear.

So, check your query and find 0CALDAY restricted by a variable, look at it type, and either remove this var or create/assign another var.

What is the name of the variable you concerned?

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eugene,

Thanks for your eloborate Reply.

For your information ,

I have created a Query on Orders Infocube , I havent Declared any variable for 0calday characteristic ( its a time characteristic) , I havent taken in the display of query ( means didnt take in Rows or columns ) .But when I execute the query a variable screen in popping up , showing current cal day ( 0date variable) with processing type SAP Exit .I dont want that to display .

Why is it displaying ...??

I have just given an option Change value on query Navigation for that particular variable , now its working fine . Its not popping up .

