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SAP DM - Change Production with Quantity Copy


Hi experts,

I am using the change production snippet in the Order Download XSLT. For guidance I have used the following:

I have set the DataCollectionCopy and QuantityCopy on true. In the Integration message Dashboard, I can see that this lines in the request/response data were set to true correctly. But in the manage orders app, when I go to the Order Schedule tab, I can not see any copy of the quantity, the progress is set to 0 when the Version of the routing changes.

Does anyone know how to avoid this and how to still see the progress in the Order Schedule tab?

This is what I have implemented in the XSLT Workflow: 




Thank you!


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I found it out by myself: I forgot the PlaceSFCIn because I didn't knew that commenting it out results into default "FIRST".