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SAP Analytics Cloud: size (MB) reduction of the exported .pptx file type


Hi experts,

I created a SAC canvas story (A4 size) that contains charts, tables and two sections.

The requirement is to share the story by email in .pptx file type. The exported story in .pptx takes around 28 MB (in .pdf instead takes around 10 MB) and for this reason I can not schedule a publication as the maximum email size allowed is 12 MB. The download of the story in .pptx file type requires around 8 minutes to be completed.

In general tems, do you know any optimization tips I can implement to reduce the size of the exported file and the time required to complete the download (story preferences, remove particularly heavy widgets,..)?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi John, Michael,

I recommend opening an incident on the SAP support portal. Looks more like a generic issue rather than related to a specific story. Or do you have examples of stories that lead to a relatively smaller-sized output and faster throughput time?

Are the stories based on live data models or based on acquired data?

Have you tried to export a simplified version and see what the result is?

Kind regards,

Martijn van Foeken | Interdobs

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Hi Martijin,

thanks a lot for your reply.

The story takes as source 2 data models based on acquired data.

I tried to semplify the story removing both the sections, its exported file in .pptx takes around 7.5 MB.

For sure a large part of the file sizing is attributable to these 2 sections but I can not remove them.

I will open an incident to the SAP Support in order to understand if there are some system setting I can leverage to solve this issue.

Active Contributor
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Hi John,

That would also be my recommendation. Would be great if you can share the information which is hopefully provided as a result of your incident!

Kind regards,

Martijn van Foeken | Interdobs