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Sales Report adding Freight Charges

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Mu customer has a Sales report Sorted by Item number and subtotalled by customer. I want to add a column for freight. So for the same customer I have for example 3 different items on once invoice. How to I not have my freight amount duplicate on these 3 lines ?



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

hi Debbie,

if it's a display issue then go to Insert and choose Group and then choose your Invoice number. now right click on your freight field and choose Insert and then Summary and choose Maximum. now you'll see the freight only once. you can then remove the freight field from the details section.

or you can right click on your existing field and choose Format Field > Common tab and check Suppress if Duplicated.

the latter method is if you want to keep the freight in the details section. however, if you're doing more formatting in an invoice style, you may wish to choose the first method and then move the maximum up to the group header as well as other invoice level items, rather than the details level items.


Former Member
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Thanks Jamie,

I tried that and it did not work. I think it is because there is a subtotal by item so the group total then repeats. Using suppress if previous invoice the same, almost worked. I am attaching a copy of how the report is repeating my freight amount.


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there's not much you can do about that then using any easy options if that number is separated by other records. you would need to actually change the sort of your details to eliminate duplicates. i.e. sort first by transaction number as opposed to item number.

you're very limited in options in this format but one other option is to create a set of formulas with an array which takes in the transaction number. a suppression formula would be based on whether or not that transaction number was already in the array. you would have to then reset the array on every invoice.

Former Member
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Makes sense....I will discuss with my customer if they are willing to change the sort.

Thanks for your help,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

the array one isn't horrible either though...just some formulas...and then you don't have to deal with your customer...

e.g. create a details b section, suppress the section, create a formula with syntax similar to below, and then put the new formula on the new, suppressed, details b section...


numbervar array ids;

if not({your transaction id} in ids) then


numbervar u:= u + 1;

redim preserve ids[u];

ids[u]:= {your transaction id};



now create another reset formula for the invoice group header


numbervar array ids;

redim preserve ids[1];

ids[1]:= 0;

numbervar u:= 0;

now you can create a suppression formula for your freight field


numbervar array ids;

{Customer.Customer ID} in ids