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SAC - Disable global filter on charts

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I create stories by connecting to HANA with live connection in SAP Analytics Cloud. I have tables, numeric cards, line graphs on different pages in my story. In order to use my Month filter actively on every page and chart, I created a Calendar Model that I can link to all tables. So there are months in it and I linked it with the month column of each table. In short, I linked my Calendar Dimension to other FACT tables.

I created a common Page Filter that I can filter on each page. So when I select a month, I see the data of that month on each page. However, I want to do the following: Show 2 years of data outside of Numeric Cards, but show selected data on all numeric cards.

I guess I can summarize it like this: Is there an option to turn off a chart to filters so that the filters don't affect it? Line charts should not be affected by the selected global month filter.

Thank you

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I would suggest not to use story(global) month filter, instead use page filter(input control) with range filter referring to the same current date picker( at story level). 

Below is an simple example with acquired model, I assume you can do similar with your live HANA model. The above bar chart is filtered on only one month with the page filter on the right, while the lower bar chart is filtered on past 24 months with the page filter beside it. Both page filters are using the current date picker on top.  You may also hide both page filter as user only need to pick a month in the current date picker. 



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Thank you! So you have 1 story filter, 2 page filters. When you select March in the story filter, one of the page filter is changing. T other one stays same. How did you do that? How does the story filter not affect the graph below?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
both page filters are changing, one is on current period, the other is on las 24 months based on user selection in month picker. Two page filters control different charts.
0 Kudos

Hi @William_Yu 

I have a YEAR_MONTH column in my Calendar table. There are values like 202411, 202410. I added YEAR_MONTH_CALMONTH as MonthGranularity by adding Date Dimension from Modeler section.

Likewise, there is a column named VALID_FOR_MONTH in my Tariff table. By doing the same things, I added the VALID_FOR_MONTH_CALMONTH date dimension. I linked the two together in Story.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
what I meann is, if user select 2024.11, which 2 years of data you would like to display out side of numeric chart?
0 Kudos

In some line charts I will give different dates such as 2 years (2 years from today, that is, if 2024-11 is selected, I will show between 202411-202211) and 1 year in some other graphs. 

However, I cannot do this because they are all affected by the global filter. When I put a page filter, we can make a setting like “the table with the following name should not be affected by this filter” from the setting in the linked analysis, I want to do it with the global filter