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SAC: Count only different values


Hallo everyone,

I created a measure of the type "aggregation" ("Operation": "Count")

Now I want to count how many values are in the column. BUT: I want to count only the values which have different values. For example: there are two values with the same value and it would be counted to 1.

Thank you very much

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi there,

It sounds like you are trying to do a Distinct Count, is this right?

  • If you are trying to count distinct/unique values for a Dimension column, you can try using the Count Dimensions aggregation type for your Calculated Measure.
  • If you are doing this for a Measure column, then you can try creating a Calculate Dimension based off of the Measure (basically turning the Measure into a Dimension), and then using Count Dimensions aggregation on this Calculated Dimension.

Hope this helps.