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RSA7 return 0 (Empty) for data source(2LIS_13_VDITM) and (2LIS_13_VDHDR)

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I have a problem that delta queue in RSA7 for the following 2 data source still equal zero for 3 days



This happened for me after I had made 2 successful delta in the same day for both data sources after that when I go to RSA7 I found the delta for both data sources equal zero

before this day everything was ok

I don't know if I need to make a re-initialization

note: the delta update is direct delta

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0 Kudos

This table is emptry. So what does that mean and how to fix it.

Active Contributor
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Check your datasource in ROOSGENDLM table in ECC/



Former Member
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Please check if you had scheduled the job to get the delta records into your delta queue...

If not scheduled, then goto LBWE -> job control of your application component and schedule the job.

Data will come to Delta queue only when you run this job.

--- Thanks...

Former Member
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Dear rookie

Thanks a lot for reply but the type of delta mode is direct delta not delta queue

Former Member
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Anybody face the same problem