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Return weekday from a stored int value with sql

0 Kudos

INSERT INTO WeekDay(DeliveryWeekdays) values (7);

We have a program that stores an int value in a table with which weekdays you have selected in a check box.

    None = 0,
    Monday = 1,
    Tuesday = 2,
    Wednesday = 4,
    Thursday = 8,
    Friday = 16,
    Saturday = 32,
    Sunday = 64,

alt text

Ex: If you have checked Monday and Thursday the value is 9 in the field in the table. If you checked Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday the value is 7 in the field and so on..

The question is whether with a date I can check if the day of the week in that date is in the int value stored in the table.

If I check the date 2020-10-08, I see that it is a Thursday. I want to check if Thursday is in value 7. The answer is yes. If the int value is 3, the answer will be no.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Here's a sample based on Frank's approach (corrected for Sunday) - in real use cases, you would provide the test date and the "allowed weekday flags" via table data, I assume:

-- use with clause to calculate the number of days for the current month
-- via subtracting one day from the next month's first day
-- Note: This is just used to build a list of all days of the current month,
-- so just for testing purposes
with cd as (select current date as cur_date,
            day(dateadd(dd, -1, ymd(year(cur_date), month(cur_date) + 1, 1))) as current_month_day_count)

-- list every day of this month and its weekday value and turn that into an according flag
-- and compare this with a given "allowed_days_flag" (here for Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
select ymd(year(cd.cur_date), month(cd.cur_date), current_month.row_num) as test_date,
   dow(test_date) weekday,
   dayname(test_date) dayname,
   power(2, if weekday = 1 then 6 else weekday - 2 end if) dayofweek_flag,
   0x01 | 0x02 | 0x10 as allowed_days_flags,
   if dayofweek_flag & allowed_days_flags = dayofweek_flag then 1 else 0 endif as fitting
from cd cross apply dbo.sa_rowgenerator(1, cd.current_month_day_count) current_month
order by 1;

This will return the folowing list:

test_date   weekday dayname dayofweek_flag  allowed_days_flags  fitting
2020-10-01  5   Thursday    8   0x13    0
2020-10-02  6   Friday  16  0x13    1
2020-10-03  7   Saturday    32  0x13    0
2020-10-04  1   Sunday  64  0x13    0
2020-10-05  2   Monday  1   0x13    1
2020-10-06  3   Tuesday 2   0x13    1
2020-10-07  4   Wednesday   4   0x13    0
2020-10-08  5   Thursday    8   0x13    0
2020-10-09  6   Friday  16  0x13    1
2020-10-10  7   Saturday    32  0x13    0
2020-10-11  1   Sunday  64  0x13    0
2020-10-12  2   Monday  1   0x13    1
2020-10-13  3   Tuesday 2   0x13    1
2020-10-14  4   Wednesday   4   0x13    0
2020-10-15  5   Thursday    8   0x13    0
2020-10-16  6   Friday  16  0x13    1
2020-10-17  7   Saturday    32  0x13    0
2020-10-18  1   Sunday  64  0x13    0
2020-10-19  2   Monday  1   0x13    1
2020-10-20  3   Tuesday 2   0x13    1
2020-10-21  4   Wednesday   4   0x13    0
2020-10-22  5   Thursday    8   0x13    0
2020-10-23  6   Friday  16  0x13    1
2020-10-24  7   Saturday    32  0x13    0
2020-10-25  1   Sunday  64  0x13    0
2020-10-26  2   Monday  1   0x13    1
2020-10-27  3   Tuesday 2   0x13    1
2020-10-28  4   Wednesday   4   0x13    0
2020-10-29  5   Thursday    8   0x13    0
2020-10-30  6   Friday  16  0x13    1
2020-10-31  7   Saturday    32  0x13    0
0 Kudos

One question, how do I get the dow to work if Monday is the first day of the week?

0 Kudos

It should not matter here because DOW is not dependent on the "first_day_of_week" option, to quote:

The DOW function is not affected by the value specified for the first_day_of_week database option. For example, even if first_day_of_week is set to Monday, the DOW function returns a 2 for Monday.

If you want to additionally "list" the week day according to your current locale (and you have set the "first_day_of_week" option to 1 or whatever), you can still add the according value via "select ..., datepart(dw, test_date), ..." to the query above, as dateapart(dw) does reflect that option. But the calculation itself is easier via DOW because, as stated, it's not dependent on that option.

0 Kudos

Ok, thanks.

A quick question. Your example is very good but I'm probably too stupid to understand it how works.

If I retrieve value 7 from a field in my select, how can I use the Power function to check if the day of the week in datepart (cdw, today ()) is in 7? I know that value 7 in this case contains Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, and Wednesday = 4 so it should return 1. If I run this select tomorrow, my value will be 0.

0 Kudos

Well, as stated originally:

It's difficult to show some code if we don't know how you access the test date (the possible delivery date, I assume) and the according "possible delivery week days" (per customer, I further assume). So it would be helpful to show some sample table entries...

You have decided not to do so, so I guess I can't give further help .

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Is this what you're looking for:

select dow(current date) weekday, POWER(2,weekday-2) theday, (if (theday & 0x12) = 0 then 1 else 0 endif)