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REST ADAPTER- Sending only attachment with out body

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Hello Team,

We have a requirement where we need to send the payload only through the attachment with the payload in the body (i.e. maindocument).

We have used Java Mapping to send payload as an attachment and selected enable attchement option in REST Receiver adapter. With this logic, Along with the intented payload (eg : Order1.xml) , the payload in the body(i.e. Maindocument.xml) is also being sent out as one more attchement to REST Url, which we would like to Avoid. Is there any way send only Attchement to Rest URL rather that actual body. Any suggestions are appreciated.



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Hello Rajesh,

Thanks for responding.

We basically does not need Body at all. Is there any way this can be handled?

Basically , Body and the attchment shown in the screenshort is reaching target as 2 attachments (body as maindocument.xml and Attchment as Orderdat.xml)

We would like to restricting the body (maindocument.xml) which is going as an attachment to target.

Any help is appreciated.

body.jpg maindocument-in-body.jpg attachment.jpg

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I have similar requirement and I would like to know how did you configure in REST adapter for accepting the attachments? and what data format did you choose in your case?

Any help is appreciated.

