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Resolving "Direct IO disabled for file " when DROP DATABASE is executed on SAP IQ

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On SAP IQ 16.1, I receive the below errors when DROP DATABASE '/opt2/sybaseiqdata/TestX.db' is executed. Error on the DBISQL prompt is

Unable to start specified database: Resource temporarily unavailable

and below error is recorded in the utility_db.0002.srvlog

Direct IO disabled for file '/opt2/sybaseiqdata/TestX.db' because the file system on which it resides does not support it

The Version & Platform as shown in @@VERSION is

SAP IQ/ - x86_64 - 3.10.0-327/64bit/2018-03-21 02:29:37

Please help me resolve this error.

2nd - If this error can't be treated, I can first Stop the Database and manually delete the Database files/folder. Does this approach has any side-affects? I am assuming No since each Database in IQ is independently run as Server and do not have dependencies with other running databases.

-- In 'thoughts'...

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Answers (1)


Resource temporarily very likely means the the file is locked (recent versions will show a more relevant error message). Is it in use by an IQ server? Given your comments in "2nd", it sounds like it is. You need to stop the database first then either run DROP DATABASE (usually from the utility_db) or use the dberase command line utility.

The message about DirectIO is not relevant here although I wonder what kind of filesystem you are using on Linux that doesn't support Direct IO...

0 Kudos

Thanks for replying. STOP DATABASE is issued but even then DROP DATABASE '/opt2/sybaseiqdata/TestX.db' and DROP DATABASE 'TestX.db' is failing with error - "Specified database not found". Either Logs of Utility_DB or TestX didn't record any error.

"/opt2/sybaseiqdata" is a Mount Point tied Logical Volume "/dev/vg_data/d_001" which is tied to Block Device( Block Special File) "/dev/dm-0"

Also when searching for this Direct IO error, found that OS_File_Cache_Buffering & OS_File_Cache_Buffering_Tempdb are set to OFF in SYSOPTIONS. Does it matter?