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Hi Experts,

Can some one please explain what does the below information mean:

1)The queries have been copied using new package /XYZ/1234.

2)created a BEx request: zzz BEx Request for


3)replace the old queries in the workbooks (new cockpit role 'ccc') with the new ones linked to package /XYZ/1234.

how do i do the 3) step?

Thank You.

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Hi Shetty,

It seems like you need to replace some queries in the workbooks with new ones. For this you wil need to Remove the old query and Insert the new one and then refresh. This can be done form the Tools button in Bex Analyzer. See this for more info:

Hope this helps...

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When once i remove the query from the workook what happens? can i assign the same query but which is in a different cockpit and still get the correct result?

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Hi Shetty,

Once you remove a query from the workbook, it does not exist in that workbook. Not sure what you meanwhen you say that the query is in a different cockpit...have you copied the query to a different role? You will get results based on the Infoprovider the query is based on.

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I have two roles, the queries in one role are based on one infoprovider and the queries in the other role are based on the different infoprovider but basically they are copy of each other(needed a copy due to auth. issues), i need to remove the queries from the workbooks in the second role and assign the workbooks to the queries in the second role.

can i just open the workbooks in the second role and tools-remove all queries.then place the cusor in the first cell and tools---insert query from the second role and then save as the exsisting workbook. is this the procedure?? tell me if i am wrong

Thank You.

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The procedure you mentioned is correct, but just wanted to clear something before you start: You have queries in Role A and B. You want to remove Role A queries from the workbook and insert Role B queries. Do you want to keep the workbooks with the Role A queries also? If yes, then you would have to first do a Save As for the workbooks and then change them.

Hope this helps...

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no i donot want to keep that wokbooks with Role A queries because there are workbooks in RoleA which are same as that would be in Role B.

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"there are workbooks in RoleA which are same as that <i>would</i> be in Role B. "

Right now the workbooks are just in Role this correct? Or do you have the workbooks in Role A and B?

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Yes i have the workbooks in both Role A and Role B, we can say that both the roles are replica of each other, except that they are based on two different multiproviders(which are copy of each other)and i need to remove the queries from the workbooks in Role B and replace it with queries which are based on the other multiprovider so that both the users will be using same reports but based on different multiproviders.

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That's good. I just wanted to make sure that you don't lose the earlier work while making new changes. You should be able to remove old queries and insert the new ones as discussed without any trouble.

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Thanks for your help.