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Replication - ID Server is inactive

0 Kudos

Hello -

My ID server is in Inactive state and because of it am unable to add another Rep server.

Can someone please help me turn the server to Active. Couldn't find command to set it to active.

Rep server version is - -
Replication Server/16.0/EBF 26767 SP03 rs1600pl00/X64/Windows 2008 R2/2248/OPT64/Thu Jun 08 17:25:35 2017

5> GO
------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------
primary rs_uat rs_uat_id_user inactive

backup NONE NONE inactive

0 Kudos


1. Nothing in RS Log file. Entries like below suggest that it was setup rightly.

Using server 'rs_uat' for an ID Server.

2. Am able to login into this Rep server by "sa" but not by rs_uat_id_user. Says "Invalid login attempted". It could be because of wrong pwd or because server is in Inactive and so User couldn't be ascertained.

3.This Primary/ID Server is newly built and we added Rep databases without problems. Now we are setting up a Secondary Rep server and need ID Server and so the trouble.

4. Yes, Service & Machine are restarted - nothing changed.

5. Yes, nothing on Internet or in SAP KBA about this. SAP documentation/forums are both scarce and hard to find as they are accessible only through login.

6. Opened a SAP Incident. Awaiting reply.

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