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Replication from SQL Anywhere to Microsoft SQL Server

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SQL Anywhere Community,

I have a customer who wants to replicated their Replication from SQL Anywhere to Microsoft SQL Server Data Warehouse. Are there any whitepapers on this or qualified consultants that could deliver?


Joseph Shaffner | Vice President, SAP Solutions | Bradmark Technologies, Inc.

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Hi Joseph,

I can help with the "whitepaper" aspect of this question. All of the information for synchronizing with MobiLink can be found in the official SQL Anywhere documentation:

We have tutorials for SQL Anywhere, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and Oracle available in the documentation. However, the tutorials can be easily adapted to work with Microsoft SQL Server.

I can also provide some further technical information about synchronizing to Microsoft SQL Server:

  • The general tutorial for working with MobiLink in Sybase Central and with a MobiLink Synchronization Model is here:

    Initially, you may want to follow it "as-is" (which uses a SQL Anywhere consolidated database) in order to get a better understanding of the MobiLink product. You can then move on to using a Microsoft SQL Server consolidated database afterwards.

  • Changing the tutorial to work with a different consolidated database is mostly related to creating an ODBC DSN that targets a Microsoft SQL Server instance. You would pick that DSN when defining a consolidated database in your MobiLink synchronization model. The rest of the instructions regarding creating scripts and models is the same, but using Microsoft SQL Server SQL syntax (T-SQL) instead of SQL Anywhere syntax inside the synchronization scripts.

  • You will need to install the MobiLink system tables for Microsoft SQL Server. The script to do this can be found at: %SQLANY16%\MobiLink\setup\syncmss.sql. If you are using Sybase Central to create a Synchronization Model though, once you connect to Microsoft SQL Server, you will be prompted to install the MobiLink system tables automatically (i.e. run the script).

  • There are some Microsoft SQL Server specific issues that you will want to be aware of:

I have contacted some people internally here at SAP about consulting engagements to see if they can assist. If you are already working with an SAP Sales representative, it would probably be best to inquire with them directly and look into your available options.


Jeff Albion

SAP Active Global Support

Former Member
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Thank you very much!

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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None of the above links are working for me. Has the documentation moved someplace else ?

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