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Regarding maintenance cycles and Maintenance Projects !!!

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This Message is regarding the functionalities provided by SAP in

the "Change Request Mangement" as provided in Solution Manager 4.0.

We have gone through all the documents in the SAP website which relates

to Change Request Management and have also attended the relevant course

for Change Request Management (USMF55). We have attended this course as

we are implementing the Service Desk for a multinational client. We

have on an average 30 Change Requests raised every month and knowing

the Change Request Cycle in Solution Manager 4.0 seek following


1. We need to have multiple Mainteinance cycles attached to a

Maintainence Project.

This is because CR's will be raised from 10 different systems and as

these cannot be progressed without a Maintainence proj & Maintainence

cycles, we plan to have a single maintainence project for each of these

systems and within them have multiple maintenance cycles.

2.Also while progressing on a Change Request(CR) at the time of

authorisation by the Change Manager the system prompts us to attach a

maintainence cycle to the CR. Is it mandatory to have a maintainance

cycle created before a Change Request is created.

3.Also during the cycle if the developement is done without generating

a Transport Request will all the developement done still get recorded.

As when we tried this scenario the customising chnegs / developement we

had done were not recorded when we did not generate the Transport

Request before doing the development.

AS per SAP the developer first creates a transport request and

subsequently logon on the development system and then makes the

corrections and then assign the created transport request to the

corrections he makes..

However consider the scenario where developer forgets to create the

transport request and then he makes all the changes in the development

system, then will the changes still be recorded ??

4. While the developer is working on the correction document type, he

clicks on action and then sets the user status of the document to "IN


Now clicks on the actions once again to create "transport request",

then on the creation of the transport request, the system status is

again reset to "Created" from "IN DEVELOPMENT"

This behaviour of the system is unusual.

Please help me with these issues..

Any help would certainly be rewarded.

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Suzzane,

1. For a maintenance project we can create only one Maintenance Cycle. If you want to create a new maintenance cycle system will ask to close the existing maintenance cycle. So create separate maintenance project for each Systems. We are having 5 different systems and we have created 5 maintenance project.

2. Yes it is mandatory to create a maintenance cycle before creating a change request. If you maintain only one project for a particular system, while creating a CR it will automatically select the maintenance cycle. If you have 2 project for a same landscape then you will be prompted to select the maintenance cycle when you create a CR.

3. If you do a development with out creating a Transport request from SOLMAN,then you cannot track it.So if you have done some development and attached that to a transport request which is not created by SOLMAN then you need to create a new transport request from SOLMAN and include the previous transport request number to the new one created through solman.

4. I am also facing this with one customer,I am working on it and come back ASAP.

Revert for any clarification,

Thanks and regards,


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Hey Avinash,

Response to your answer for Query 1)

As you said that there will be seprate maintenance projects for 5 difrent systems..

Please consider our client requirement, and then if possible come out with the solution..

With regards to query 4), i feel that its a bug in standard SAP prog, i had raised an OSS will let u know about developments if any.

In the meanwhile if you come across solution please let me know.

Our Scenario:

We have a three system landscape ie DEV, TEST and Prod system (ie R3 systems) Support Desk messges will only originate from Prod.

Our Concerns:

1)We have in all Averge 100 support Desk messages created in solution manger system monthly. Out of these only approxiametly 20 support desk messages would require change Document(change Request) to be created.

NOw depending on the work involved in the Change Request(CR), change manager will estimate the time\days within which the CR needs to be implemented.

TO summarize in few steps:

a)Incident( Support desk ) Message raised from satellite (in our case Prod system).

b)It comes to solution manager and the service desk employee decides to create a change reques out of it.

c)Change request is created out of the support desk message.

d)Change manager(CM) will approve it and attach maintainance cycle(XYZ) to it.

e)Now lets consider that the CR proceeds further and Its in TEST phase..

f)At this point of time lets consider that new support desk message is raised from same prod system and new CR is raised out of it.

g)Again CM approves the change request, and now can he attach the Same maintaince cycle (XYZ) to the CR ??

Assuming that he attaches same maintenance cycle (which is in test phase), it would have serious implications as new CR would should not be in phase TEST initially.

That means that i will have to create new project and subsequently new maintaince cycle and then assign the Maintainance cycle to newly created CR.

Again which means that once its decided that CR needs to be raised at that point of time i will have to create Maintenance project and then maintenance cycle and then attach this cycle to the CR.

CAn i avoid this by using Urgent corection instead of regular correction ???

How do i manage such complications... Ny idea??

2)If i decide to create a new Maintanance project every CR, how can i incorporate my timings ( The CM decides the estimated Days to complete the CR depending Business impact) into the CR.

3)Regarding the importance of Ibase component;

Lets consider that Maintenance project(ABC) was ready and it has PROD, DEV and Test systems specified as system landscape.

Now a incident was raised from Production system and subsequently CR was raised which again has Ibase component has production system.

Now i have my maintainance project in which i have my system landscape which has 3 systems as Test Prod and Dev.

Now since the Cr is raised from Prod system,

can i still assign the Maintaince cycle belonging to maintaince project(ABC) to this new CR???

Lets assume that incident was raised from Test system, then new CR raised out of incident will have Test system as ibase component.

can i still assign the Maintaince cycle belonging to maintaince project(ABC) to this new CR which has test system as ibase component???

4) Last concern is that what happens when user logons onto R3(Devlepment system) and he does some customizing changes and then will he be promted for transport request..

ALso please note that the r3 user does not have login into solution manager..

Will the transport request still be generated and will be custmozing changes still be reflected in developement.

Because we had tried this and we are getting RFC error, as the user does not have authorization to logon as trusted user in solution manager system.

This error only comes when the user does not have login into solution manger.

We tried the same with the user who had logon into solution manager, this user was able to create transport request and the customizing changes made reflected in the dev system.

Can i conclude that the user who does not have a logon in solution manager system cannot make the correction in that dev system which is integrated to solman system ???

Sorry for such a long correspondance, but will reward points for helpfull answer.

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Suzzane Dsouza

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Suzzane Dsouza

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Hey avinash,

regarding query 4), where the status is set to Created after you create new transport request..

This is perfectly normal..

This is becoz once u set the status to IN DEVELOPMENT the system generated the transport request, and thus there is no need to again create new transport request..

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Hi Suzzane,

1.Regarding the creation of transport request at different phase as you have mentioned,it is better to use Urgent Correction instead of Normal Correction.We have also asked the customer to use only Urgent correction.

As per SAP definition when we use Normal correction all the Transport Request must be created during D/Wo Release Phase and should be moved simultaneously to Test and Production systems. So if any correction (which is of very high priority) you want to do when the Maintenance cycle in Test Phase, you can create a Urgent correction and move it.

One More problem we found with Normal correction,which prevented as from using it is,after importing all TP’s to production system,when we re use the maintencae cycle by setting the phase back to “D/Wo Release” and import the TP’s to Qual and Prod,it was found that it is reimporting all the TP’s that were imported in the last cycle .Do you face this situation?

2.When we use Urgent Correction this problem can be avoided.


When we create a Change Request, the system will check whether the iBase is of a Production system. If it is not it will give an Error. So we cannot create a Change request with Ibase as DEV or QUAL. Therefore all the TP’s created through ChaRM will be created only in DEV system.

If you found the problem in Test system,then the particular correction(Urgent) should be reset to InDev and then create a new transport request and move it.

4. Yes, all the Developers should have a Logon in SOLMAN and the user ID should be same as in the Satellite system. Similar requirement is there for the tester’s as well.

Regarding the Resetting from “In Development” to “Created” this happens in Normal correction only.In Normal correction we have to create the Transport Request manually.I am having this problem with one customer only,I am comparing it with other customer were it works perfectly.Not able to find any clue so far.

Revert back for any clarification,

Thanks and Regards,


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Hi suzzane,

Pls check the Note 919477 for status reset to Created in Normal Correction.

Thanks and regards,


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Hey avinash,

Thank you for your response.

1)In case of Urgent correction, Developer would also need Login to Client 000 or Domain Controller ??

Because in this case, Developer himself Imports the Correction into Test ??

He also needs Login to client 000\ or the Domain controller with import authorization..

Because the import to test failed as the developer didnt have the login at client 000 in our case..

Once that was done( login created at 000) the problem was solved.

How did u solve this problem..??

2)Did u ever tried creating task from Urgent correction..

I tried this with Normal correction, when i assigned this task to employees, then when the Employess logon onto Satellite system and make some changes there, the TR assigned was not autmatically taken..

Does it means that i wil have to activate the Project status Switches..

Regarding the problem are you facing in case of Normal Correction where all the previous TP's gets imported again, i will Test it from from side and let u know.



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Suzzane Dsouza

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Hi Suzzane,

1.Regarding the import of TP's to quality,the person performing it should have the user ID in 000 client with the import authorization roles.

In our customer side only the Basis do the import to quality and production,so we avoided the problem.

2.Yes,we have cretaed Task from urgent corrections.When the developer log on to the system and do the changes,while saving,when it asks for the Transport request number,select the own request from there and it will show the new task created.So we need to link the task to the new development that has been done.

Revert for any clarifications,

Thanks and regards,


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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hey Avinash,

Few clarifications needed.

First of all, have you custmozied the Action profile to send notifications to the right person at the right time.

Have you copied the actions profile and then created actions to send notifications or you created your actions in the standard one..

Secondly, how do u ensure that only basis team can import the transport to test or Prod..?

Any specific authorization object used..

MOst important problem:

Look, Change request(CR) would need people from several domain. So assume that i am working on CR and i create Transaport request(TR)..

I do some custmozing changes and i log off..

Now some other person of diffrent domain loginnss and goes to the CR..

Now he executes the action( create task), now where will this task be created.., i mean under whose Transport request..

Can this task be created under the transport request that i created previously..

Also lets assume that user create new transport request and then subsequently all other users create new transport request,

can all the Transport request created will simulatenoulsy brought in production ??



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Suzzane Dsouza

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Suzzane Dsouza

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Hi Suzzane,

Sorry for delay in reply.

1. We have configured the workflow in such a manner, if the status changes it will trigger mail to Change manager and to the current processor. In this way the mail notification is send to the correct person at correct time. We have used only the standard profile.

2. There is an Authorization object B_USERSTAT,in which we can specify the authorization for different actions based on status. This object will be found in role with SOCM in the role name.(eg; :SAP_SOCM_DEVELOPER)

3. With Change Request Management, only one developer can work on a transport request. If the correction involves different domain, we need to create separate transport request for different domains. So if a developer is assigned to a urgent correction, only he can work on the correction. If multiple corrections are involved we should create multiple urgent corrections.

Hope this is usefull.Please revert back for any clarification.

Thanks and Regards,


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Hey Avinash,

For urgent correction, i understand that there can only be one transport request for urgent correction document..

I mean urgent Correction document A has only one Transprt request. No further transprt request for that urgent correction document(A) is possible..

Howevrt can we also have new Correctiion document (B) as a follow up to the urgent correction document A. Then we can create transprt request refering to correction document

This is help in case if CR refers to multiple domains.

Then for each domain, we can have seprate correction documents.

My question is :

1)Do we have to create Change request document type and then Urgent correction document from the CR??


we can create another Urgent correction document from the current Correction document as follon up document.

On doing so, my concern is that newly created document should not affect the orginal Change request(CR), i mean that even if the newly created document type has status "implememted"., it should not set the User status of Orginal CR to say implemnted or realized..

The user status of the orginal CR should only be set by the urgent correction document which was initially created( and then this document had another urgent document as follow up ).

So my concern is that the follow up document that was created from current urgent correction( Created from CR document type) should not set the status of orginal CR document type..??

2)Only Advantage of urgent corections is that we can have Single maintenance cycle for the the corrections...

Do you see any other advantage??

Tnx in advance.

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Hi Suzzane,

1. If you have a CR which involves multiple domains then for a single CR create multiple UC using follow up document.We also advice customer to do like that.But the problem we may have is even if any of the Urgent correction belonging to the CR is completed then the status of CR will change to implemented.

We can avoid this by changing the settings in SPRO,but then we need to manually change the status of CR after completing all the UC’s belonging to that CR.

2. Yes,the advantage of the UC is that for a single maintenance cycle we can have all the correction and move them independendly.

3. One more problem with the Normal correction is that,it is like import all in STMS and all the TP’s should be moved simultaneously.So under practical situation it will be deficult to use Normal correction and as I mentioned previously after completing import to production through normal correction,when we use the same maintenance cycle again,it reimports all the TP’s imported in the previous run.So we were forced to use Urgent correction.

Thanks and regards,


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Hey Avinash,

There is another problem, if the CR comprises of multiple urgent corrections the CR should only be tested when all the correction documents are in status "TO be TESTED"..

This is where the problem lies, bcoz we have to monitor all the urgent correction docuiiments and also find whether their status is set to "to be tested".

Do the necesaary actions..

Did u jhjave this problem.??

How do u plan to overcome it..



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Hi suzzane,

Sorry for the delayed reply.For my client,if they have multiple urgent correction for a CR then the particular track list is ensuring if all the UC are in To be Tested.

One more thing we do is,for all the UC from Sngle CR,the discribtion will be same except at the end we will have some extra discribtion.So fro CRM_DNO_MONITOR we can search with the Discribtion and find the status.

Thanks and regards,


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Hey Avinash,

What do u mean by " particular track list is ensuring if all the UC are in To be Tested "???

Can you plz elaborate ??

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Hi suzzae,

It is the track leads i.e., the change manager who take care of the CRs and the UC.

Revert for clarification.

Thanks and regards,


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hey Avinash,

What need to be done if i want to add new client in \tmwflow\cmsconf.

Currently it shows only 2 systems..

I want to have a new cleient added to both the systems..

Currently 2 systems are ABC: and its clients 100, 200 300..

I want to add a new client 400 on the list .

Similarly the second system, (solution manager) has just 2 clients, namely 100 and 200.

I want to have another client listed there..

plz help asap..

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Dear Suzzane,

Sorry for the delay in Replying.

In /n/tmwflow/cmsconf we get the systems and clients that has been defined in the Maintenace project system landscape for which change management is activated.

Please check if the clients are added in the change management system landscape.

Revert for any clarification.

Thanks and regards,


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Hey Avinash,

Tnx for your Last post.. It helped a lot..

Just want to few clarifications!!!!!

Q.1) I had recently configured CHARM for single satellite system..

It worked fine.. It was a just done on single system landscape.. ie Dev, Prd , Test were present on single system in diffrent client..

However now i am implementing Charm for 2 system Landscape:

In this Case DEV and Test are present on Single system as 2 diffrent clients and Prod system in on altogether Diffrent System..

In this case what configurations needs to done in STMS( of both dev and prod systems) to ensure smooth operations...

You had passed on usefull tips to kumar in this thread where you insisted that TMS we have to make some Client specfic settings and all his problems were solved.

Can you please give brief explanation about what were you refereing to??

Q.2) Do you have diffrent transport routes configured for Customizing request and workbench request ??

Q.3) Which route have to selected as Standard Transport layer ??

Q.4) What configurations needs to done in TMS of DEV, Test And Prod systems???

Q.5) Lets assume that i mention following systems in Maintainance project..

Say ABC:100 as Dev, TWD:200 as Test and Ktw: 300 as Prod..

Now a CR is raised in Solution manager and ibase is mentioned for KTW:300 ( Prod system), then i can associatate this CR with the Maintainancce Cycle of the Maintancene Proj as mentioned obove..

If i use Ibase, for Test Or dev system, then there should not be any Maintainance cycle that i could associatate with the CR..

Thus if I dont specify ibase of prod system, i will not able to associatate the Maintanance cycle to the CR..

However, If My Dev, test and Prod were Same system but Diffrent Clients, then if i specify Dev as Ibase in CR, even then i am able to associatate the Maintanance cycle of Maintanance project.

Q.5) What happens when there is a change Request raised for solution manager system itself..??

I would Certainly appreciatate if you send screenshots to <b></b> of TMS of your DEV, prod and Test Systems( Satellite system)..

And could you plz specify what landscape you have specified in your Maintainance project...

Sorry for Bothering you by writing such a long Correspondance..

Plz help ASAP, its urgent..



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Suzzane Dsouza

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Hai Suzane,

1.Please check your mail,i have sent you the information regarding setting the systems client specific.

2.We don't have seperate transport route for cuztomizing and workbench.Both TPs will follow the same path.

4..Once you have set the transport route client specific,create a domain link between the domain controller and the solman system as described in SPRO.

5.For our customers,they are not following ChaRM for SOLMAN.I am not sure if we need to set up for SOLMAN.I will check and let you know that.

One more request from my side:

We are planning to create a test system for SOLMAN,in which we will have 4 clients,.i.e., 200,210,220,230.In that we are setting 210 as DEV,220 as QUAL and 230 as PROD systems and from 200 we plan to do the ChaRM.(200 is solman and 210,220,230-satellite system)

As you have mentioned in a single system you have set DEV,QUAL and PROD as different clients,how you have defined the transport route?Please provide input which will be helpfull.

Revert for any clarification.

Thanks and regrads,


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Hey Avinash,

I will send you screenshots of my STMS..

PLz give your Email id..

The idea is similar to that u had done in your STMS..

Client Specific route..

Can you tell me Which is your Domain Controller( according to the doc u had sent) I think its BD1... Correct me if i am wrong....???



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Hi Suzzane,

Yes,BD1 is my domain controller.

My mail ID is

Please send the screen shots of STMS.Also if possible please send the screen shot of import overview.

Thnaks and Regards,


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Hey avinash,

Can we schedule import into TEST or Production for transaction type Urgent corrections, i tried with no luck ???

Secondly if scheduled, does the status of the ticket change automatically to "to be tested" or "production" if the import is successfull.

Thirdly, Is it possible to get a pop up which prompts us to schedule the import into test\prod in urgent corrections while executing actions " TO be tested" "Import correction to production"..

Reply awaited..

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Hai Suzzane,

1.We can shedule the import toTest or Production by running a report.How you tried with this report?

The report name is CRM_SOCM_SERVICE_REPORT.Using this report we can change the ticket status from one to the next state.

2.Once we do through this report the ticket status will be change.

3.This is not possible with the standard config.,but it can be done using the actions.

Sorry for late reply:)

Thanks and regards,


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Hey Avinash,

Just want to have few clarifications on the following issues !!1

1) In your landscape, do you have 2 solman manager systems , ie Solman Dev, Solman Prod ??

As you will be aware that we cannot connect 2 solution manager systems ( to the Production system landscape like ECC dev test and Prod ) because we can have just one entry( For RFC) on BCOS_CUST table in the ecc system. These RFC entry can be either RFC to Solman Dev or RFC to Solman Prod and to not to both simultaneously.

If you have just one Solman ie( PROD solman) then you might face the following problem.

2) Now if the client comes up with some new requirement which demands some customizing or workbench requests to be generated in Solman system, then we cannot perform the customizing or workbench setting directly in Prod solman. This settings ( Customizing Or workbench) should be done on Dev Solman and tested there itself. There lies the problem, because the testing cannot be done on the dev solman as there is no RFC from DEV solman to Ecc system landscape( Dev, Test, Prod).

How do you propose to solve this problem??

3) I also read your post in the forum about Defaulting Subject profile for SDCR transaction type so that only urgent correction comes in there as default. I had done the settings what you adviced regarding this, but still the Urgent correction does not come in by default, it appears on the dropdown, but after the settings made I can see only few values in the dropdown including Urgent correction. Finally i had implemented a badi to default it... How did you manage with customizing.

Please let me know if you any documentation that could be of help to me..

In the meanwhile may the code for That Badi implementation i would be willing to share.

4) There is an IMG Activity called “ Activate Charm Integration “ wherein you specify Change management client. We are now using SLFN as Change transaction type, so that all the BADI’s like SOCM_process_action and SOCM_check_condition can be used and can be applicable to SLFN. Is it necessary to perform the obove activity ( Activate Charm Integration ), so that SLFN can be used as Change transaction type. So that obove Badi’s can be used for SLFN also.

5) In one of your post, u mentioned about defaulting Subject in transaction type ( SDCR ). However i tried whatever you mentioned, but failed to achieve it.

6) Last Question regarding Service Desk Messages, What i wanted to Know " whether it is mandatory for END users to have Login in Solution manager to be able to raise Message.

I mean i have a set of end users who login does not exist in solman, but they configured as business partners( General ).

When end users try to raise message from Satellite system, messages could be raised, however the reported by in the SLFN transaction type field is Blank..

Awaiting your Precious Response on this ...



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Suzzane Dsouza

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Hai Suzzane,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

1.Ya we have a SOLMAN DEV and SOLMAN PROD.

2.In the Solman Dev system appart from the ChaRM Client we have 3 more clients which acts as the Satellite system.So Through the Solman Client we move TPs across the other 3 client which are the Dev,Qual and Prod of the Satellite system.

So for any cutomization done in SOLMAN Dev it wil be checked in this way without haveing to actually connect to a satellite system.

3.For Setting UC as default,Under Spro->Define code grp and codes for catalogs,for the catlaog IB you can see code grp for different types of projects (like imple,Mainten,Upgrade etc)

In the drop down list for UC,you will see all the things defined here.

The drop down list is in a Alphapetical order with Implementation Code grp first then Maintenance(SDCR0001),so by making the status of Imple. code grp to In preparation we will get Maintenance codee first.

But if you are haveing some other code grp,between Imple and Maint. code grp that may come in the drop down list.

This will select UC by default when we crate Change Request from the Charm_create T code.If we create Change Request from CRMD_ORDER this will not be helpfull.

6.Yes,the end user should require a user ID in SOLMAN,so that his details will be linked to the BP number,other wise when he creates a support desk message the reported by field will not be populated.

Hope this is usefull,

I will reply for the other questions ASAP.

Have a Greate Day,

Thanks and Regards,


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Hey avinash,

Need your Expertise in following Issues.

1) When you Integrate CHARM( solutiom manager) in Satellite systems,

Can the transport request be directly created in Satellite system without Change request management.

I mean when the user in satellite system ( Who does not have a login to Solution manager) still create transport request without Any project assignment as we do\practise normally ?? If we make Project Assignment of request Mandatory, what implications it would have ??

Please advise..

2) Plz let me know what steps you have taken regarding the obove issue ??

3)Now For CHARM, there is an IMG activity which has to be performed on Satellite system, " Disable Quality Approval ". My concern is If Quality approval is disabled, then it might create problems as Quality Approval is needed for Corrections\Developments which are created directly in Satellite system and not using CHARM. I can understand that QUALITY approval is not needed for Requests that are created using CHARM.

PLz advise on above issues.

4) We also have Workflows running, so what implications it( Implementing CHARM) might have on those Workflows..

Plz advise ..

Message was edited by:

Suzzane Dsouza


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Hi Suzzane,

Sorry again for late reply as i was out of office.

1.In order to prevent transport request being created outside solution manager,all the developers in the satellite systems should not have authorization to create transport request.Only the recomended role from solution manager (developer role in satellite system)be given.

One more thing is by using the system status switch in the maintenace project under change management tab,we can prevent the release of transport request in the satliite system aswellas importing the requesty outside of solution manager.

This by giveing the proper role developer cannot create any transport request and hence cannot do any changes in the satellite system.

3.In order to avoid this problem we have to attache the older tps created outside Charm to the TPs created through charma and move them through solution manager.

4.We will not have any problem with the existing workflow,provided that proper starting conditions are given to the respective workflow.

Thanks and regards,


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Hey avinash,

Lets assume that developer has authorizations to create Transport request locally in satellite system.

As you explained, transport request can still be created in satellite system directly if developer has authorizations to create it.

1) If developer does not assign this transport request to maintainance project, then can this transport request still be imported in subsequent systems.

In one of my posts ( in this thread itself ) i had asked you " What happens to transport request which are created outside of solution manager which are not assigned to maintanance project ".

You answered that " we have to attache the older tps created outside Charm to the TPs created through charma and move them through solution manager.


2) Can you explain me how do you achieve this ???

3) Do you mean that once CHARM is implemented all transport request created outside solution manager needs to be treated the same way..

I mean lets say that i use the Project status switches..

I had enabled " Requests can be created " and "Requests can be released" and ": Requests can be Imported" in a maintanance project.

Now if the assign transport request to same maintainance project, cant i release the transport request directly in satelite system..

your answer that "" we have to attach the older tps created outside Charm to the TPs created through charma and move them through solution manager. """

has confused me a lot.

4) Does the same concept applies to all the transport request ( Created before or after the CHARM is implemented )

5) i also want to know whether transport requests can be still created in Satellite system without solman and whether the same can be imported into subsequent systems without assigning them to any projects..

I asked you this because i had implemented CHARM in our local IDES, and there is no problem in creating transport request and moving it to subsequent systems without assigning it to maintainance project..

6) Also let me inform you that we have scheduled a B\G job which runs every 15 min in our quality server so that all tranport request which are released in development server are automatically imported into quality server.

Once we implement CHARM i want to only have transport request created outside of solution manager automatically imported into quality server and i dont want TR created thru solman to be imported automatically into quaity server..

Is this possible ??

Your reply is eagerly awaited..



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Hi Suzzane,

1.If the developer is haveing the authorization to create a TP,and if he creates it,we can move the TP if the system status switches are opened i.e., allowed to release and import TPs.So untill all the older TPs created outside are moved to production we can keep the system status switches open and so even TPs created outside ChaRM can be imported in to the subsequent systems.

2.For attaching the loder TPs to the TPs created through Solman,release all the old TP that has to be imported.Clcik on the TP created through solman and click "include object" where in you type the older TP number.By this we are attaching the older TP objects to the newely created TP.

3.Once we implement ChaRM,we can still give the developers authorization to create TP and keep the system status switch open so that all the TPs created outside solman can also be imported.

5.As stated in point 3 we can still create TPs and move to subsequent system with proper settings.

6.If we set the system status switch to not import TPs then we can avoid importing of all the TPs created through Solman to import when the B/G program is running.

Hope iam not confusing you,revert for any clarification.

Thanks and Reagrds,


Former Member
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Hi Avinash,

If the Developer has rights to create TR, he can create TR in satellite system without using Solman.

Now if the TR is created in this way, it does not belong to any Maintainance project hence i think its Import\Export is not governed By status switches, please correct me if i am wrong.

If a TR is created outside Solman, and if its associatated with Maintainance project later on then that Transport request now will be governed by status switches of the project.

Please correct me if i am wrong..

Also in the SPRO of solution manager, there is an activity "configure transport strategy" wherein u have to activate " Single import " and put off Mass Transport.

I fear that my BG prog will not tranport the request even if i put the status switches to " TR can be created and TR can be imported"

Now our purpose is that we will not be using Solman to all the changes in the system, we will be using solman to manage some of the changes only.

Please Advice.

