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Regarding DSO settings

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Hi All,

In Standard DSO, in the settings, 5 options are there...

SID generation, unique data records,Quality status, activate data automatically, update data automatically.

what is the significance for each of these options?

if we check the activate data automatically option, does it activate it automatically.. i dont think it is automatic.. we need to do manually.. So what is the difference between checking and unchecking this option.

Can anybody explain this option a bit detail.....



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HI Punitha,

ODS Object Settings


When creating and changing an ODS object, you can make the following settings:

BEx Reporting

With the BEx Reporting indicator, you determine whether the ODS object is immediately available for BEx queries. If the indicator is not set, no SIDs are generated for the new characteristics when the data in the ODS object is activated. This optimizes the performance of the activation process, but the ODS object is not available as an InfoProvider for queries. Turn the indicator off for all ODS objects that are only being used for further processing of data in other data targets or that are being used in InfoSets.

ODS Object Type

Select the ODS object type. You can choose between standard and transactional, whereby standard is pre-installed and transactional is only meant for special cases. You can switch the type as long as there is still no data in the ODS object.

See also Transactional ODS Objects.

Unique Data Records

With the Unique Data Records indicator, you determine whether only unique data records are to be updated to the ODS object. This means that you cannot load a data record into the ODS object the key combination for which already exists in the system u2013 otherwise a termination occurs. Only use this setting when you are sure that only unique data records are to be loaded into the ODS object (for example, single documents). A typical application of this is in the loading of mass data. It improves the load performance.

You can also deselect this indicator again (even if data has already been loaded into the ODS object). This can be necessary if you want to re-post deleted data records using a repair request (see: Tab Page: Updating). In this case, you need to deselect the Unique Data Records indicator before posting the repair request, following which you can then reset the Unique Data Records indicator once more. The regeneration of metadata of the Export DataSource, which takes place when the ODS object is reactivated, has no effect on the existing data mart delta method.

Check Table for the InfoObject

Here the name of the InfoObject is displayed for which the ODS object is also the check table, if necessary. You can specify this when creating an InfoObject. See also Tab Page: Master Data/Texts in the InfoObject maintenance.

Automatically Setting Quality Status to OK

With this indicator, you can determine that the system automatically sets the quality status to OK after loading data into the ODS object. You should turn on this function. You should only deselect this indicator if you want to check the data after it has been loaded.

Automatically Activating the ODS Object Data

With this indicator, you can establish that the data that has Quality Status OK be transferred from the activation queue into the active data table, and that the change log is updated. Activation is carried out by a new job that is started after loading into an ODS object is complete. If the activation process terminates, there can be no automatic update.

Automatically Updating Data from the ODS Object

With this indicator, you can establish that the ODS object data be automatically updated. Once it has been activated, the data is updated in the data targets. An init. update is carried out automatically with the first update. If the activation process terminates, there can be no automatic update. The update is carried out by a new job that is started once activation is complete.

Only activate automatic activation and updating if you can ensure that these processes do not overlap.

If you use process chains to guarantee serial processing of the process, these settings are not supported for the object (with the exception of setting the quality status). Then you have to include the automatic processes as process types in the process chain.

Also refer to the example for Including ODS Objects in Process Chains.

refer this link-

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi punitha,

alll the settings are well all the gurus i wud make it simple the setting which u asked explicitly tat automatic activation of data if u select this setting then the data will be loaded into ods activation and cahnge log table automatically from new data table but on the contrary if ur load is running through process chain then this activation doesnt work so in process chain you have seperate process called ods activation..which takes care of activation of ods..

hope it helps..


anshu lilhori

Former Member
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Hi Anshu,

I dont think, that the data in the new table would automatically go to the active table and change log table, if we check the activate data automatically option.

since i had faced this issue, like i have check the activate data automatically option, but after data loading is done, data is present only in the new table not in the active table..



Former Member
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hi punitha,

i quite agree with you it may happen in some scenarios..but the significance of that setting is waht i told you and explained by other gurus..i dont have much experience so whatever i knew i just sahred with you..if its in process chain than that seting wont work other then that it should far as my experience and knowledge is concerned about that i have read and did the same what i told can take the information through blogs as wel if your doubt still persists..


anshu lilhori

Former Member
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check this link




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these have been discussed on the forums many times - anything more that you wanted to know on the same ? and also please search the forums before posting...