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Refreshing Iviews

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How do I set an Iview to refresh itself ? There is settings for refresh function in Iview properties under "load" I tried to set it but It didn't work. ( isolation method is URL and these iview pull information&reports from BW )



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Don't forget points, if it helped!



Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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Check out my weblog on refreshing iView using the HTMLB tag Timer.


RIch HEilman

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hey Rich,

I showed him your weblog already!

It definitely is a handy blog! Thanks.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rich,

Thank you very much for your help, but I am trying to understand why there is setting to set refresh Iviews in properties. If I need to code thats fine but then what that setting does ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your help but I am trying to figure out what refresh setting does in Iview properties ( under load )



Former Member
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U see settings for Refresh??

What level are you @?

I can only see cache settings for "Load" parameter!



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We are at EP60 SP13, by the way you cannot see these setting for all iviews. This is a dashboard iview.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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Serkan, When we were on EP5, we used a setting in the iView properties to automatically refresh. I believe it was something like....


Peter mentioned

<b>cache settings for "Load" parameter!</b></i>

When we went to EP6, we could not find this property anymore, so we had to come up with something else. We used the timer HTMLB tag. Its been working good ever since.

Peter, after I posted, I saw that you referenced the link to the weblog. Thanks for the comments.


Rich Heilman

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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Also, if you use Web Dynpro, implementing automatic refresh is even easier. You just pull in the UI element for Timer, set the interval, set the action, and then call your initialization method when the action is fired. Very easy, we use it in two of our dashboard iViews in our portal.


Rich Heilman

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rich,

There is still a setting in Iviews' properties for automatic refresh and my question is why it is not working? I appreciate for your time and help but if you know the answer please let me know.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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To tell you the truth, I don't know why it doesn't work. I believe that we tried using it without success and gave up on it. Then discovered the HTMLB tag. Do you really not want to use the HTMLB. Its fairly simple, but if you need some help, I can walk you thru it. My weblog should help a little.


Rich Heilman

Former Member
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I have never seen anyone who was able to use that function either. In this case could you give me the instructions how to do HTMLB tags?



Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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Have you checked out the weblog yet? It is a really basic example of how to use it. You are doing a JSPDynPage project, yes?


Rich Heilman

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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All you need is this line in your JSP page.

   <hbj:timer id="tmrRefresh" serverEventName="refresh" 
   	timeOut="<%=Refresh.getRefreshMillSecs() %>" />

Here refresh is the name of the "action" that is being fired. In the Navigation class of the project, you will need a method to handle it, like...

public void onRefresh(Event event) throws PageException {

Notice here, that the method on<b>Refresh</b> is just calling the method getData to get the data again.

That's pretty much it.


Rich Heilman

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Rich,

I will try your solution, but I am still curious why there is a refreshing setting exist but it is not working