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redirect the tables in a universe to different schemas on the same server

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Hello, How do I redirect the tables in a universe to different schema on the same server. I've the table names as "ABC.dbName_DEV.TableName" in development. When it goes to UAT the table names or scehmas changing to "ABC.dbName_UAT.TableName".

both of them are sitting on same server. My question is how to redirect my tables/universe to UAT / Dev as needed.

Thanks in advance!!

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Former Member
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Manage it all in the connections.

Don't refer to the instance/owner in the universe itself.

I've managed in the past on an Edge install by using folders and permissions to create a pseudo three-tier environment. It's not always possible to be on a big enough budget for the ideal environment.

0 Kudos

Hi Mark, thanks for quick response. what do you mean by "Manage it all in the connections"

Could you please elaborate the steps.


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Gurus, Have anyone experienced or resolved this kind of situation. Thanks!!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry for the late reply.

Have different usernames with access to the different schemas defined in your connections.

I'm only speaking from what worked in XIr2, though, things may have changed from them but it's worth a try. The only downside is if you have user-specific privileges that you wanted to tie to a data account. Obviously SSO won't be affected.

So, a database user called DEV_BO_USER would only see the DEV schema, UAT_BO_USER would only see the UAT schema and PRD_BO_USER would only see the PRD schema. It's about 6 years since I had to do something like that so apologies for the suggestion not coming with perfect examples!

0 Kudos

I already have the Owner name/Schema name infront of tables in the universe. And I've too many derived tables in universe.
