on 2006 Nov 22 3:23 AM
I have a requirement, i have the following field in a view
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "1" rowIndex = "5" colSpan = "3" ><crmic:label design = "label" id = "Sex"
for = "//Customer/SEXO"
text = "Sexo" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "4" rowIndex = "5" colSpan = "3" ><htmlb:inputField id = "Sex"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "10"
value = "//Customer/SEXO" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="5" >
This field it's supossed to be hidden, and a radiobuttongroup has to have the entered value for example:
1, Male
2, Female
and the selected value of that radiobuttongroup must be passed to the field, now i don't know how to set the value on the field, and how to set value to the radiobutton, could you help me?
Thanks & regards
Just i tested this code & works fine. here is the code. Let me know if you any issue.
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="crmic" %>
<crmic:content design="design2003" >
<crmic:page title=" " >
data: selected type string.
data:i_formfields TYPE tihttpnvp,
wa_formfields TYPE ihttpnvp.
CALL METHOD request->get_form_fields
fields = i_formfields.
data: event type ref to cl_htmlb_event.
event ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
if event is not initial and EVENT->SERVER_EVENT = 'radioclick'.
READ TABLE i_formfields INTO wa_formfields WITH KEY name = 'group1'.
selected = wa_formfields-value.
if selected = '1'.
* SEXO = 'Male'.
Customer->SEXO = 'Male'
elseif selected = '2'.
* SEXO = 'Female'.
Customer->SEXO = 'Female'
<crmic:radioButtonGroup id = "Group1"
columnCount = "3"
selection = "<%= selected %>" >
<crmic:radioButton id = "r1"
text = "Male"
key = "1"
onClick = "radioclick" />
<crmic:radioButton id = "r2"
text = "Female"
key = "2"
onClick = "radioclick" />
<crmic:gridLayout id = "mygrid"
rowSize = "2"
columnSize = "6"
cellSpacing = "1"
cellPadding = "1" >
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "3"
rowIndex = "1"
colSpan = "1" >
<crmic:label design = "label"
id = "Sex"
for = ""//Customer/SEXO"
text = "Sexo" />
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "4"
rowIndex = "1"
colSpan = "1" >
<crmic:inputField id = "Sex"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "50"
value = ""//Customer/SEXO" />
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
Hi Andres,
Use the following code ...
<b>Layout </b>
<%@page language="abap"%>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
<htmlb:content design="design2003">
<htmlb:page title = "radi group ">
<htmlb:radioButtonGroup id = "myRadioButtonGroup1"
columnCount = "1"
<htmlb:radioButton id = "male"
text = "Male"
onClick = "MyRadioButtonClick" />
<htmlb:radioButton id = "female"
text = "Female"
onClick = "MyRadioButtonClick" />
<htmlb:inputField id="radiovalue"
value="<%= radio_value%>"/>
<b> OnInputProcessing </b>
class cl_htmlb_manager definition load.
data: event type ref to cl_htmlb_event.
event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
if event->name = 'radioButton' and event->event_type = 'click'.
data: radiobutton_event type ref to cl_htmlb_event_radiobutton.
radiobutton_event ?= event.
data: dd_listbox_event type ref to cl_htmlb_event_selection.
case event->id.
when 'male'.
radio_value = '1' .
when 'female'.
radio_value = '2' .
Do Close the thread if you are satisfied with the answer.
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
As contn of Thread "Fill dropdownlist"..YOu mentioned its giving runtime error. Could you please mention the error so that i can help you rectify that error.
Raja T
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
Ha Raja:
The error that i'm having ocurrs because i'm using a view not a bsp and this view uses the tag <crmic:traybody> instead of a form, so when i put the form tag it gives an "unknown runtime error", so is there any way to do that without having to use the <crmic:form> tag?
Thanks & regards
This is my code
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
<crmic:tray2 id = "Search_Customer_B2B"
title = "Consulta Titular"
height = "100%,403"
width = "100%">
<crmic:gridLayout columnSize = "10"
cellSpacing = "1"
rowSize = "15"
widthPredefine = "TRUE"
height = "100%"
width = "100%">
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="1" colSpan="2"
><crmic:link id="searchContact" onClick="searchCont" text="Búsqueda Compareciente"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="4" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Sexo"
text = "Sexo"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="4" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Sexo"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Sexo" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell> <--This is the inputfield that i want to save tha value of the radiobutton
Thanks & regards
Here is the code. I tested it works fine. After pasting this code you need to do one change, where ever you see SEXO in TAGS change it to "//SearchCustomer/Sexo". In case of ABAP replace SEXO with "SearchCustomer->Sexo"
Even i mentioned that comments with "<---"
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
<htmlb:content design="design2003" >
<htmlb:page title=" " >
data: selected type string.
data:i_formfields TYPE tihttpnvp,
wa_formfields TYPE ihttpnvp.
CALL METHOD request->get_form_fields
fields = i_formfields.
data: event type ref to cl_htmlb_event.
event ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
if event is not initial and EVENT->SERVER_EVENT = 'radioclick'.
READ TABLE i_formfields INTO wa_formfields WITH KEY name = 'stdradiobuttongroup'.
selected = wa_formfields-value.
if selected = '1'.
SEXO = 'Male'. " <--- Change it to SearchCustomer->Sexo
elseif selected = '2'.
SEXO = 'Female'. "<---Change it to SearchCustomer->Sexo
<crmic:tray2 id = "Search_Customer_B2B"
title = "Consulta Titular"
height = "100%,403"
width = "100%" >
<crmic:radioButtonGrp id = "group1"
columnCount = "3"
selection = "<%= selected %>" >
<crmic:radioButton id = "r1"
text = "Male"
key = "1"
onClick = "radioclick" />
<crmic:radioButton id = "r2"
text = "Female"
key = "2"
onClick = "radioclick" />
<crmic:gridLayout id = "mygrid"
rowSize = "2"
columnSize = "6"
cellSpacing = "1"
cellPadding = "1" >
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "3"
rowIndex = "1"
colSpan = "1" >
<crmic:label design = "label"
id = "Sex"
for = "SEXO" "<--Change it to "//SearchCustomer/Sexo
text = "Sexo" />
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "4"
rowIndex = "1"
colSpan = "1" >
<crmic:inputField id = "Sex"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "50"
value = "<%= SEXO %>" /> "<-- change it to "//SearchCustomer/Sexo"
Hope this should solve the problem.
Raja T
Message was edited by:
Raja T
I used the example you gave me and it gives me the following error:
View BuPaSearchB2B.htm Cannot Be Displayed
An exception has occurredException Class CX_BSP_ELEMENT_EXCEPTION
Text: : BSP element may be used once only
Program: CL_BSP_ELEMENT================CP
Include: CL_BSP_ELEMENT================CM007
Source Text Row: 3
do you have any idea on what may be the problem
here is the complete code of my view
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
data: lv_country type land1,
ls_country type t005t,
lv_region type regio,
ls_region type t005u.
fill longtext for country
lv_country = SearchCustomer->get_Country( 'COUNTRY' ).
if not lv_country is initial.
select single * from t005t
into ls_country
where SPRAS eq sy-langu
and land1 eq lv_country.
fill longtext for region
lv_region = SearchCustomer->get_State( 'REGION' ).
if not lv_region is initial and
not lv_country is initial.
select single * from t005u
into ls_region
where SPRAS eq sy-langu
and bland eq lv_region
and land1 eq lv_country.
data: bupacontroller type ref to cl_Crm_ic_bupacontroller_impl.
DATA: lv_title type string.
bupacontroller ?= controller->get_custom_controller( 'BuPaController' ).
if bupacontroller->get_active_identify_viewset( ) eq 'E'.
lv_title = runtime->get_otr_text( alias = 'crm_ic_appl/bupaAccountandProduct' ).
lv_title = runtime->get_otr_text( alias = 'crm_ic_appl/bupaAccount' ).
lv_r2 type i value 2,
lv_r3 type i value 3,
lv_r4 type i value 4,
lv_r5 type i value 5,
lv_r6 type i value 6,
lv_r7 type i value 7,
lv_r8 type i value 8,
lv_c4 type i value 4,
lv_c6 type i value 6,
lv_colspan2 type i value 2,
lv_colspan3 type i value 3,
lv_c_street type i value 4,
lv_c_houseno type i value 8,
lv_c_region type i value 5,
lv_c_zip type i value 4.
if screen_variant eq '013'.
lv_r3 = 3.
lv_r4 = 4.
lv_r5 = 7.
lv_r6 = 6.
lv_r7 = 5.
lv_r8 = 8.
lv_c4 = 6.
lv_c6 = 4.
lv_colspan2 = 3.
lv_colspan3 = 2.
elseif screen_variant eq '004'.
lv_c_street = 5.
lv_c_houseno = 4.
lv_c_region = 4.
lv_c_zip = 8.
<crmic:tray2 id = "Search_Customer_B2B"
title = "Consulta Titular"
height = "100%,403"
width = "100%">
<crmic:gridLayout columnSize = "10"
cellSpacing = "1"
rowSize = "15"
widthPredefine = "TRUE"
height = "100%"
width = "100%">
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="1" colSpan="2"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="2" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Name1"
text = "Nombre/Apellidos(Pat./Mat.)"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="2" colSpan="2"><crmic:inputField id = "Name1"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Name1" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="6" rowIndex="2" colSpan="2"><crmic:inputField id = "Name2"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Name2" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="2" colSpan="2"><crmic:inputField id = "SecName"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/SecName" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="3" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Alias1"
text = "Alias"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="3" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Alias1"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Alias1" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="4" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Sexo"
text = "Sexo"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="4" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Sexo"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Sexo" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="4" colSpan="2"> <crmic:button id = "Siac"
text = "Consulta Titular SIAC"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="5" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Birthdate"
text = "Fecha de nacimiento"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="5" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Birthdate"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
type = "DATE"
showHelp = "TRUE"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Birthdate" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="5" colSpan="2"> <crmic:button id = "Sirli"
text = "Consulta Titular SIRLI"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="6" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/ActState"
text = "Estado de origen"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="6" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "ActState"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/ActState" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="7" colSpan="3"
><crmic:label design = "label"
id = "Street"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Street"
text = "Calle"/>/<crmic:label design = "label"
id = "HouseNo"
for = "//SearchCustomer/HouseNo"
text = "N° (edificio)"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_street %>" rowIndex="7" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Street"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Street" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_houseno %>" rowIndex="7"><crmic:inputField id = "HouseNo"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "10"
value = "//SearchCustomer/HouseNo" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="8" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
text = "Población/Ciudad"
for = "//SearchCustomer/City" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="8" colSpan="5"><crmic:inputField id = "City"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/City" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="9" colSpan="3"
><crmic:label design = "label"
id = "ZipCode"
for = "//SearchCustomer/ZipCode"
text = "Código postal"/>/<crmic:label design = "label"
id = "State"
for = "//SearchCustomer/State"
text = "Estado"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_zip %>" rowIndex="9"><crmic:inputField id = "ZipCode"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "10"
value = "//SearchCustomer/ZipCode" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_region %>" rowIndex="9"><crmic:inputField id = "State"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "3"
helpInputFields = "State=BLAND;Country=LAND1"
helpOutputFields = "State=BLAND;Country=LAND1"
value = "//SearchCustomer/State" /><crmic:inputField id = "RegionLong"
disabled = "TRUE"
visible = "FALSE"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_region + 1 %>" rowIndex="9" colSpan="3"><crmic:inputField id = "RegionName"
width = "100%"
disabled = "TRUE"
valueDescription = "TRUE"
value = "<%= ls_region-bezei %>" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="10" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
id = "Country"
text = "País"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Country" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="10"><crmic:inputField id = "Country"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "3"
helpOutputFields = "Country=KEY"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Country" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="5" rowIndex="10" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "CountryName"
width = "100%"
disabled = "TRUE"
valueDescription = "TRUE"
value = "<%= ls_country-landx %>"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="11" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
text = "Teléfono"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Phone" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="11" colSpan="5"><crmic:inputField id = "Phone"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Phone" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="12" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
text = "Dir. Correo-E"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Email" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="12" colSpan="5"><crmic:inputField id = "Email"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Email" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="3" colSpan="2"> <crmic:button id = "Search"
onClick = "search"
priority = "1"
text = "Consulta Titular SPC"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="6" colSpan="4"> <crmic:button id = "Reset"
onClick = "reset" disabled = "<%= disable_clear_button %>"
text = "Nueva Búsqueda"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="14" colSpan="8" horizontalAlignment="LEFT">
<crmic:button id = "New"
onClick = "new"
text = "Alta Titular"
I couldn't see any of the tags
<htmlb:content design="design2003" >
<htmlb:page title=" " >
in your code. Please have a close look. Also try to copy <b>only the code</b> which i sent into in ur view & try to enhnace as you want. While adding new tag test it before developing the entire application. That way you can find out the error quickly.
Raja T
Message was edited by:
Raja T
Hi Raja:
Sorry i posted the code just after i erased those tags, but the error appears when i add those tags, when i remove them from my view it works just fine except the radiobuttons, and when i add the tags to my code it gives me the error, heres the full code, i did not added the part of radiobuttongroup, because the error seems to be because of the tags, do you have any idea on what may be causing the error?
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
<htmlb:content design="design2003" >
<htmlb:page title=" " >
data: lv_country type land1,
ls_country type t005t,
lv_region type regio,
ls_region type t005u.
fill longtext for country
lv_country = SearchCustomer->get_Country( 'COUNTRY' ).
if not lv_country is initial.
select single * from t005t
into ls_country
where SPRAS eq sy-langu
and land1 eq lv_country.
fill longtext for region
lv_region = SearchCustomer->get_State( 'REGION' ).
if not lv_region is initial and
not lv_country is initial.
select single * from t005u
into ls_region
where SPRAS eq sy-langu
and bland eq lv_region
and land1 eq lv_country.
data: bupacontroller type ref to cl_Crm_ic_bupacontroller_impl.
DATA: lv_title type string.
bupacontroller ?= controller->get_custom_controller( 'BuPaController' ).
if bupacontroller->get_active_identify_viewset( ) eq 'E'.
lv_title = runtime->get_otr_text( alias = 'crm_ic_appl/bupaAccountandProduct' ).
lv_title = runtime->get_otr_text( alias = 'crm_ic_appl/bupaAccount' ).
lv_r2 type i value 2,
lv_r3 type i value 3,
lv_r4 type i value 4,
lv_r5 type i value 5,
lv_r6 type i value 6,
lv_r7 type i value 7,
lv_r8 type i value 8,
lv_c4 type i value 4,
lv_c6 type i value 6,
lv_colspan2 type i value 2,
lv_colspan3 type i value 3,
lv_c_street type i value 4,
lv_c_houseno type i value 8,
lv_c_region type i value 5,
lv_c_zip type i value 4.
if screen_variant eq '013'.
lv_r3 = 3.
lv_r4 = 4.
lv_r5 = 7.
lv_r6 = 6.
lv_r7 = 5.
lv_r8 = 8.
lv_c4 = 6.
lv_c6 = 4.
lv_colspan2 = 3.
lv_colspan3 = 2.
elseif screen_variant eq '004'.
lv_c_street = 5.
lv_c_houseno = 4.
lv_c_region = 4.
lv_c_zip = 8.
data: selected type string.
data:i_formfields TYPE tihttpnvp,
wa_formfields TYPE ihttpnvp.
CALL METHOD request->get_form_fields
fields = i_formfields.
data: event type ref to cl_htmlb_event.
event ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
if event is not initial and EVENT->SERVER_EVENT = 'radioclick'.
READ TABLE i_formfields INTO wa_formfields WITH KEY name = 'stdradiobuttongroup'.
selected = wa_formfields-value.
if selected = '1'.
SearchCustomer -> Sexo = 'Male'.
elseif selected = '2'.
SearchCustomer -> Sexo = 'Female'.
<crmic:tray2 id = "Search_Customer_B2B"
title = "Consulta Titular"
height = "100%,403"
width = "100%">
<crmic:gridLayout columnSize = "10"
cellSpacing = "1"
rowSize = "15"
widthPredefine = "TRUE"
height = "100%"
width = "100%">
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="1" colSpan="2"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="2" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Name1"
text = "Nombre/Apellidos(Pat./Mat.)"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="2" colSpan="2"><crmic:inputField id = "Name1"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Name1" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="6" rowIndex="2" colSpan="2"><crmic:inputField id = "Name2"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Name2" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="2" colSpan="2"><crmic:inputField id = "SecName"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/SecName" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="3" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Alias1"
text = "Alias"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="3" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Alias1"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Alias1" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="4" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Sexo"
text = "Sexo"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="4" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Sexo"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Sexo" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="4" colSpan="2"> <crmic:button id = "Siac"
text = "Consulta Titular SIAC"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="5" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Birthdate"
text = "Fecha de nacimiento"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="5" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Birthdate"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
type = "DATE"
showHelp = "TRUE"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Birthdate" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="5" colSpan="2"> <crmic:button id = "Sirli"
text = "Consulta Titular SIRLI"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="6" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
for = "//SearchCustomer/ActState"
text = "Estado de origen"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="6" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "ActState"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "35"
value = "//SearchCustomer/ActState" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="7" colSpan="3"
><crmic:label design = "label"
id = "Street"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Street"
text = "Calle"/>/<crmic:label design = "label"
id = "HouseNo"
for = "//SearchCustomer/HouseNo"
text = "N° (edificio)"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_street %>" rowIndex="7" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "Street"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Street" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_houseno %>" rowIndex="7"><crmic:inputField id = "HouseNo"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "10"
value = "//SearchCustomer/HouseNo" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="8" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
text = "Población/Ciudad"
for = "//SearchCustomer/City" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="8" colSpan="5"><crmic:inputField id = "City"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/City" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="9" colSpan="3"
><crmic:label design = "label"
id = "ZipCode"
for = "//SearchCustomer/ZipCode"
text = "Código postal"/>/<crmic:label design = "label"
id = "State"
for = "//SearchCustomer/State"
text = "Estado"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_zip %>" rowIndex="9"><crmic:inputField id = "ZipCode"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "10"
value = "//SearchCustomer/ZipCode" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_region %>" rowIndex="9"><crmic:inputField id = "State"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "3"
helpInputFields = "State=BLAND;Country=LAND1"
helpOutputFields = "State=BLAND;Country=LAND1"
value = "//SearchCustomer/State" /><crmic:inputField id = "RegionLong"
disabled = "TRUE"
visible = "FALSE"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="<%=lv_c_region + 1 %>" rowIndex="9" colSpan="3"><crmic:inputField id = "RegionName"
width = "100%"
disabled = "TRUE"
valueDescription = "TRUE"
value = "<%= ls_region-bezei %>" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="10" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
id = "Country"
text = "País"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Country" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="10"><crmic:inputField id = "Country"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "3"
helpOutputFields = "Country=KEY"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Country" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="5" rowIndex="10" colSpan="4"><crmic:inputField id = "CountryName"
width = "100%"
disabled = "TRUE"
valueDescription = "TRUE"
value = "<%= ls_country-landx %>"/></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="11" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
text = "Teléfono"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Phone" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="11" colSpan="5"><crmic:inputField id = "Phone"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Phone" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="12" colSpan="3"><crmic:label design = "label"
text = "Dir. Correo-E"
for = "//SearchCustomer/Email" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="4" rowIndex="12" colSpan="5"><crmic:inputField id = "Email"
width = "100%"
maxlength = "25"
value = "//SearchCustomer/Email" /></crmic:gridLayoutCell>
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="3" colSpan="2"> <crmic:button id = "Search"
onClick = "search"
priority = "1"
text = "Consulta Titular SPC"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="8" rowIndex="6" colSpan="4"> <crmic:button id = "Reset"
onClick = "reset" disabled = "<%= disable_clear_button %>"
text = "Nueva Búsqueda"
<crmic:gridLayoutCell columnIndex="1" rowIndex="14" colSpan="8" horizontalAlignment="LEFT">
<crmic:button id = "New"
onClick = "new"
text = "Alta Titular"
Thanks & regards
Based on your code, there 2 endifs are missing which i highlighted in Bold.
if event is not initial and EVENT->SERVER_EVENT = 'radioclick'.
READ TABLE i_formfields INTO wa_formfields WITH KEY name = 'stdradiobuttongroup'.
selected = wa_formfields-value.
if selected = '1'.
Sexo = 'Male'.
elseif selected = '2'.
Sexo = 'Female'.
<b> endif.
endif.</b> %>
I corrected that error in my system, its working fine. Even after correcting the endif error, if you still face an issue, start the BSP from scrach & start adding the one tag at a time & test it now & then. This way you can find while adding which TAG its throwing an error.
Raja T
Message was edited by:
Raja T
Hi Raja:
I've tested theo code and corrected ths endif's missing' but the error still appears, i've tested adding tag by tag and the error appears at the beginning when i add these tags:
<crmic:content design="design2003" >
do you have any idea on what coul be the cause of that message, or it is not possible to use a tray tag and content tag in the same view?
thanks & regards
Here the content Tag is from HTMLB not from CRMIC.
Have a look at this.
Add only this tag & try to test it.
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
<htmlb:content design="design2003" >
<htmlb:page title=" " >
Raja T
Message was edited by:
Raja T
I hope you used <b>only</b> these tag in view..Not any other codes to find the errors.
<%@page language="abap" %>
<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
<%@extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb" %>
<%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
<%@extension name="CRM_BSP_IC" prefix="crmic" %>
<htmlb:content design="design2003" >
<htmlb:page title=" " >
If still you have an issue, please post your all the code from Controller & Model class code to analyse more..
Raja T
Message was edited by:
Raja T
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