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R/3 to XI (Idoc to File): Do we need to maintain distribution model in R/3?

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Hi All,

I have a very basic question regarding Distribution model.

My scenario is IDOC-->File ( SAP R/3 --> XI). So all I am trying to do is send the IDOC frrom R/3 to XI. ( Within XI I am going to do an FTP to the 3rd party file server)

I have created a distribution model, but was wondering if I really need to create one as message is going from R/3 to XI and not from R/3 to another R/3.

Please help let me know If I need to distribute this model to XI or to SAP production sytem or I do not need to duistribute at all for this scenario.



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if you create partner profiles and port via t.code.

i hope, it's not required to maintain Distribution model.

please check the below points.

Configuration Steps for Idoc to File Scenario.

This is complete step by step document for configuring the idoc to file scenario along with ALE Settings





We need to do the following settings in XI

1) Create an RFC Destination to the Sending System in transaction code (SM59)

a) Choose create

b) Specify the name of the RFC destination

c) Select connection type as 3 and save

d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#

e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL

f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#

g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system

h) Test the connection and remote logon.Both should be succesful


2) Create Port Using Transaction Code IDX1


a) Select create new button

b) Enter the port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)

c) Enter the destination client

d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system

e) Save


3) Load Meta Data for IDOC Using transaction Using Transaction (IDX2)


a) Create new

b) IDOC Message Type

c) Enter port created in IDX1




We need to do the following settings in R/3

Logon to Sap R/3 System


1) ALE SETTINGS TO POST IDOC OUT OF SAP-R/3 ***********************************************************************

a) Create RFC Destination using T.code in SM59.

b) Specify the name of the RFC destination

c) Select connection type as 3 and save

d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#

e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL

f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#

g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system

h) Test the connection and remote logon.Both must be succesful


2) Create communication Port for Idoc processing Using Transaction(We21)


a) First Select Transactional RFC and then click create button

b) Enter the destination port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)

d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.

e) Save


3) Create Partner Profile with Outbound Parameters (WE20)


a) Create New

b) Create the Partner no. name as same the logical system name of the destination system

c) Select Partner type LS

d) Enter details for Type: US/USER, Agent, and Lang

Then Save

e) Select Partner no. and LS which were create above

f) Now we have to give some Outbound Parameters.So click on ADD TO Create Outbound Parameter

g) Select Message type

h) Double click on Message Type and Then Enter the details for Receiving port, Pack size=1 and Basic type

I) save


4) In Transaction SALE, Create Logical System


a). Go to Basic Settings-> First Define logical systems

and then assign logical systems

b) Double click on Define the logical systems

c) Give data for your Logicaal System and Name

d) Now click on Save.Here one window may appear just click on Continue.Now the Logical System name is ready

e) Assign the logical system name to the client


5) Create Customer Distribution model in the transaction code BD64


1) Click on the Create modal View button and enter the short text, Technical name etc as shown below

2) Now select the created model view and click on Add message type button .A pop up box appears, enter Sending system, receiving system and message type

3) Save the Distribution model

Generate Partner Profiles

Click on Menu Item u2018Generate Partner Profilesu2019

It leads to the next transaction where in the selection screen you have to provide Model view name, Partner System logical system and execute

Then, you will be intimated about the partners, port creation, and outbound parameters creation

4) Distribute Customer Distribution Model

In the menu item GO to Edit->Modal View-> u2018Distributeu2019 to the destination client

Popup window appears ,press Enter

You will be intimated about the the Modal View Distributed

warm regards


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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Hi Shirin,

Not required.


Former Member
0 Kudos



R/3 to XI

1) RFC Destination (SM59)

a) Choose create.

b) Specify the name of the RFC destination

c) Select connection type as 3 and save

d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.

e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.

f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.

g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.

h) Test the connection and remote logon.

2) Create Port (We21)

a) First Select Transactional RFC and then click create button

b) Enter the destination port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)

c) Enter the destination client.

d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.

e) Save

3) Create Partner Profile (WE20)

a) Create New

b) Create the Partner no. name as same the logical system name of the destination system.

c) Select Partner type LS

d) Enter details for Type: US/USER, Agent, and Lang.

e) Click on the + button to select the message type.

f) Select Partner no. and LS which ever create above.

g) Select Message type

h) Select Process code related to the Message type.

I) save.

XI to R/3

1) RFC Destination (SM59)

a) Choose create.

b) Specify the name of the RFC destination

c) Select connection type as 3 and save

d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.

e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.

f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.

g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.

h) Test the connection and remote logon.

2) Create Port (IDX1) ( Create port to get IDOC Meta data from sender system)

a) Select create new button

b) Enter the port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)

c) Enter the destination client.

d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.

e) Save

3) Load Meta Data for IDOC (IDX2) (To maintain IDOC Metadata, it is needed by XI because XI needs to construct IDOC-XML from IDOC. It is not needed by any sap system).

a) Create new

b) IDOC Message Type

c) Enter port created in IDX1.

Details ABT IDOC??????

1)Use WE60 transaction.

2)you need list of basic type idocs then use t.code WE60.

To display IDOC list in particular time intervel use we02 or we05.

where u can find the outbound and inbound processing idoc's.

use t.code 'wedi' to get more information on idoc's.

3) You can use the WE60 for Idoc Documentation

& we can use WE30 for Idocs list.

You can use below tcodes

WE02/05 IDOC List.

Various selct options and parameters are provided to select IDOCs

depending on the date, direction , mesage type etc.

BD87 Status Monitor. Idocs can be selected base on number of criteria and there

processing status can be seen in detail.

BD10 Material Master Data Distribution .

Based on Message MATMAS.

BD12 Customer Master Data Distribution .

Based on Message CREMAS.

BD14 Vendor Master Data Distribution

Based on Message DEBMAS .

WE30 IDOC Editor

It is used to create a new IDOC Type or IDOC Extension .We specify the

segments that will be addd to the IDOC type.


reward points if found useful

Former Member
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Yup..u have to create Model view if idoc sender side.

/people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/08/introduction-to-idoc-xi-file-scenario-and-complete-walk-through-for-starters IDOC TO FILE

idoc settings /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/02/23/configuration-steps-required-for-posting-idocsxi
