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"SEND MAIL" task error

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Hi, I have an issue with a workflow step "SEND MAIL". I use the standard method "SENDTASKDESCRIPTION" of the BO "SELFITEM" passing the mail address that I have stored as attribute in my custom BO (I read it from PA0105-USRID_LONG).

When the workflows starts, the first step is this sendmail task and doesn't work. I have set as ReceiverType "U" and as address the attribute "mailaddress" of my custom BO (&MYBO.MAILADDRESS&).

In this case I get as error:

MessageText:     "Document xxx could not be sent"

Exception: 1001

Error Type: 1

Area: SO

Message: 23

If i put as first step another sendmail task with ReceiverType "U" and my own mailaddress (written as, also the step I described before works fine.

Could you please help me?

Thanks in advance.

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" If i put as first step another sendmail task with ReceiverType "U" and my own mailaddress (written as, also the step I described before works fine."

What happens if you use your own user in the step that goes wrong, does it send an email then? The problem may have nothing to do with the address. Is AddressStrings being filled with the correct address?

Is there any reason why you're fetching email addresses? Just send it to the SAP user and let SAP forward it with the SO16 settings.


Rick Bakker / hanabi technology

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Hi AC,

how did you happen to put the container element, did you directly type (&MYBO.MAILADDRESS&) or is it thru F4? - Recommended thru F4.

Try to refresh buffers SWU_OBUF and see if it works.

Hope it helps.

Aditya V

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Hi AV,

yes I did it through F4 and SWU_OBUF is a must when developing workflows , but it doesn't pass the address.


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Hi AC,

delete the step and add again, with SWU_OBUF at end.

I have faced such issues in the past and it worked, hope it works here too

Aditya V

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  Please check in technical log which user is populated.

Share the log


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Hi Paul and thanks for your answer,

I sent you per e-mail the printscreens of the wf technical log, because I get errors attaching them to this post.

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  It may caused due to You send a mail before BO is instantiated. May be that why 1st step it is not going. And in 2nd step as already instantiated, thats why it is working properly. I am not sure.

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I thought the same, and already tried to insert a "1 minute wait" step calling an empty method of the same BO, but no way. Do you have any suggestion on how to force the instantiation of the BO?

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  May be like this way you take dummy step with default value of the container element to addresstring in 1st step. Then you add your step. Try this.