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"Error Getting Function" during RFC connection in CPI


I've created a Z function and I've tried to call it from CPI but an error always occur:


It is correctly exposed in CC using the RFC name but it would also be available since all Z RFCs are accessible using prefix:


We also have many other Z RFCs being called without any issue. 

I've tried changing the request payload -- even copying from sproxy the sample request -- but nothing changes. I also have found a couple post from the SAP Community but none of them gave me actual solution. Please advise. Thank you in advance


Error Details An internal server error occured: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><rfc:ZRFC_XXXXX.Exception xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions"><Exceptions> <E1>Error Getting Function</E1> </Exceptions></rfc:ZRFC_XXXXX.Exception>. The MPL ID for the failed message is : AGZaBeDsJhAGLWrtFEOXXXXXX

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"HttpResponseException" as well as "Error Getting Function" don't look like RFC-related errors to me, more like an error on CPI level?! I assume, you are sending an RFC-XML document to CPI, CPI converts this into RFC-format and then sends the RFC call to the Cloud Connector using JCo?

In that case I recommend activating the JCo-trace in CPI in order to check, whether the call arrives on the JCo/RFC layer at all, or whether it errors out somewhere earlier in the HTTP receiver or XML converter of the CPI system.

In the case that JCo (via SCC) cannot find the function module in the backend (e.g. because it is not remote enabled), I would expect the error message "Function not found", but not "Error Getting Function"?!