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Questions about single and multi tenant BTP deployment

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1)lets say I have one subaccount in a BTP global account.
I have 1 Cloud Foundry Runtime quota for it.
I deploy my app to it and its running and serving clients.

What do I do when if I want to create and test enhancements?
What is best practice when i have only one quota and thus can only deploy on one sub account?

2)Lets say I want to have multiple sub accounts so I can deploy a production version on one subaccount and another on a test subaccount to create and test new features. 
Do I need to buy 2 quota of Cloud Foundry Runtime for my global account and then add each to one sub account?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello YanGerzon,

I would recommend you to check the BTP help portal section about Setting Up Your Account Model for detailed explanation of the options. 

Regarding question 1) there is still the option to create a second  CF spaces and have your test environment there. For this setup to work the "productive" application should require less then 500 MB of CF Runtime memory, so that there is also Runtime Memory for the test deployment. Otherwise you won't be able to deploy your test enhancement. Cloud Foundry supports also space quotas and member management on space level. I hope this helps.

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If I understand you correctly i can do the following.
So If I understand you correctly I can create two dev spaces on the same sub account and give each space 500 megs of the single 1 gig quota. Then I deploy the production version of the App on one dev space and the test/development version of the app on the second space. I guess I will still have to contantly preserve changes in both when it comes to for example destinations since destinations are not per dev space but it does save me the trouble of having to rename many different values in the app's code and configuration files?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
yes, your understanding is correct. You have to find the right approach to manage and transport configuration with this setup which works for you. If I'm not mistaken e.g. the destination service supports also space level of instance creation. I'm not an expert with the service but the place to start is the discovery center: