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Question about replication flow in initial mode with the status "Retrying"

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Hello everyone,

I have a question about replication flow in "Initial" mode.

I have put some replication flow (all in "initial") in a task chain. When i run the task for the first time, the data loading works fine, but when i retry to run the same task chain to update my data, some replication flow are in status "Running (Retrying Objects)" (even if the replication is not a delta).I don't understant why.

Datapshere try to run the loading but the same message appears :"The source connector has accepted the initial load partitioning request. The next attempt will be after ..."


Do you know why init replication flow still retrying to load data ? (is not a delta)

Do you already have the same issue ? 

Thanks for the help,

Best regards

SAP Datasphere



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you are not the first one reporting this behavior. What is your source? Is it a CDS view with CDC? 

Annotation -->

delta.changeDataCapture: { automatic: true } 


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Hello Martin_KU
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I haven't managed to find an answer on the other forums My source is a standard CDS view in my S/4HANA. There is no CDC in my CDS view, delta is not possible, only full. I've done some tests, my replication flow doesn't have this problem when I run it on its own. However, in a task chain, my replication flow doesn't want to finish.
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My bad, i have also the problem when i execute the replication flow when i run it on its own
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I use ODP. Loading from BW/4. Did not see such issue. Check please if you have all the data. 1:1 to CDS. I bet yes. This is just a monitoring issue, where the flow thinks it is in delta mode. I guess a bug