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Query in PI7.1 Service Interface

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Hi Friends,

I recently started working on PI7.1, its really good compare PI7.0 and XI 3.0.

Now my query is when i am creating service interface(message interface) i found some new options added.

can anyone explaina about

1) Interface Pattern its having different options Stateless , statefull , TU&CC and Stateless(XI 3.0 Compatible.

2) Operation Pattern its having different options commit,roll back,confirm,compensate,tentavi update

please explain when we will use pattern and different types.



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When referring to stateless communication, this is a type of communication in which the messaging runtime does not support the saving of a status

of a message at the provider once the messaging runtime has completed the message exchange successfully.

In contrast, when we refer to stateful communication, this is a type of communication in which the messaging runtime does support the saving of a

status at the provider once the messaging runtime has completed the message exchange successfully.

Note that the messaging runtime can explicitly support or not support such a procedure. If the messaging runtime supports stateful communication,

the application programmer can use the corresponding methods of the messaging runtime.

Furthermore, when talking about interface patterns of a service interface, these terms (stateless and stateful) relate to the state at the provider and

not on the Integration Server (in the case of enhanced communication). Therefore, when selecting a stateless interface pattern you can still enhance

the communication using the Integration Server to include the execution of a stateful integration process that permits message correlation. So this is

to say that these terms are not to be confused when the Integration Server is involved in mediated communication, especially when a stateless

interface pattern and a stateful integration process (e.g. using message correlation) is used in the same scenario.

In terms of how an interface pattern is related to which runtime is used, the stateless (XI 3.0-compatible) pattern uses the XI runtime via the XI

adapter and the rest of the interface patterns (stateless, stateful, and tu&c/c) use the web service runtime (and WS adapter in mediated scenarios).

Note that the stateful interface pattern is never supported in mediated scenarios via the Integration Server.

Finally, the selected interface pattern determines how an application developer programs communication in the back end, thus the interface pattern is

tightly coupled to the application communication. If you change the interface pattern, the application program in the back end must also be changed.

For example, this applies if the interface pattern is changed from Stateless (XI 3.0-Compatible) to Stateless, and for any other interface pattern


Tentative Update & Confirm/Compensate (TU&C/C)

Reliable means to make synchronous update calls

Single or multiple update calls treated as one transaction

Based on guaranteed delivery concept/mechanism for asynchronous messages

Requires at least three messages:

one or more for the Tentative Update calls (synchronous)

exactly one Compensate (asynchronous)

exactly one Confirm (asynchronous)

additional Normal operations can be added (asynchronous or synchronous)

Synchronous update calls are tentatively recorded until one of either Confirm

(COMMIT) or Compensate (ROLLBACK) message is finally received.