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query calculations

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how do i calculate average number of days for like a charachterstic company code and then for each plant under company code. Also the dates are charachterstics so cant just create calculated key figure on them like that . wht do i have to create a date variable or something to calculate them as keyfigures and how do i average them then on company codes and then plant codes

really urgent



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Former Member
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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mark,

Give a try.

1. Create varaibles with replacement path for date characteristics.

2. Create loacal calculate kf and use above variables to calculate day difference.

3. Use option: <b>Average of all values</b> Or <b> Average of all values <> 0</b> to display average values.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Srini

Thanks very much for the answer i think its helpful but also u think i should display po cycle time and then another key figure avg po cycle time side by side in coloumns. And ya the average is it the key figure properties u talking about calculate as option or in the formulas. And also the average would automatically be initially set for company code and then when i click on plant it will be for plant or i have to do more than that to calculate as average.

Also would you know how have the following query drilldown. THe result should have just company codes with average po cycle time in initial view then if click on plant shold include company code plant code and avg po time per plant. Also there are other charachterstics that i am displaying in the query but they only want to see it when clicked on it. So basically just company code or company code plant code po time and rest all hidden. Any ideas.

