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Purchasing Info Record and Conditions joining condition in CDS on S/4 Hana Cloud

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In S/4 Hana Cloud, I have created a purchasing info record document and created 2 conditions with different prices. Now I want to create a list report based on that. However, I cannot find the joining condition between these two. 

I have used I_PURCHASINGINFORECORDAPI01 and I_PURGPRCGCONDITIONRECORD for creating the report but didn't find a suitable condition for joining. 

Can anyone assist me in getting the joining condition? 

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I'm facing the same problem. I want to create a report which shows all possible conditions for a purchasing record. Has someone already found a solution? Which CDS views can be used and how does the join look like?
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Product and Topic Expert


unfortunately these two CDS View can't be joined, because they are built on different objects.

Maybe I_PurOrdPricingElementAPI01 or I_PurOrdItmPricingElementAPI01 could provide the data?

If you need the PurchasingInfoRecord, you could get it from I_PurchaseOrderItemAPI01 by joining with Purchase Order and Purchase Order Item.

Best regards,



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Thank You Sir for your reply ,
But The CDS's which you mentioned doesn't content the required data which are available in I_PURGPRCGCONDITIONRECORD CDS and their is no suitable condition to get the data .