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Program control - SapScript assigned problem.

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I assigned a Z program control (A) to Z SapScript, and works fine. I must to change Z program control (B) and I assigned it to Z Sapscript. My problem is because when I assigned Z program to Z Sapscript with TX SE71 - Layout - Text - print program selection dialog, the standar program SAPMV45A is over my Z program (B). Z program (B) is a copy from YBAA_RVADOR01, for sales order form.

Problem is when I print, SapScript texts are not sending from my Z program control (B), and form look empty.

Some body can help me please?.

Thanks in advanced.

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The SAPSCRIPT can see the global variable of driven program or the program set in OPTION-TDPROGRAM (it's field of import parameter OPTION of fm OPEN_FORM)
