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problems with installing the SAP NetWeaver Developper Studio

0 Kudos

I just downloaded the SAP Netweaver Developper Studio and while installing it, the error occured, that the user de2gce0dc11adm couldn't be created.

I tried to install it on a WinXP OS.

AT first chose to ignore this message and fram that point on every next try of installing ist aborted with policy-problems.



In the following you find the content of sapinst.2.log:

INFO 2003-12-16 12:36:27

Copying file C:/PROGRA~1/sapinst/keydb.xml to: q0w9e9r8t7.1.xml.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:37:18

Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'WW901de2g09f0' on host 'de2gce0d'!

INFO 2003-12-16 12:37:27

Copying file C:/DOCUME1/de2g09f0/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe_2/NEWINST.CMD to: C:PROGRA~1sapinst/NewInst.cmd.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:37:27

Creating file C:PROGRA~1sapinstNewInst.cmd.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:37:27

Copying file C:/DOCUME1/de2g09f0/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe_2/SAPCAR.exe to: C:PROGRA~1sapinst/SAPCAR.exe.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:37:27

Creating file C:PROGRA~1sapinstSAPCAR.exe.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:37:28

Creating file C:PROGRA~1sapinstUnInstall.cmd.

PHASE 2003-12-16 12:37:31

Prepare the installation program.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:06

DNS configuration is sane.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:38:07

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:38:07

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:38:08

Unable to get value for environment variable JAVA_HOME.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:09

Running the command "D:/Programme/jdk1.3.1_07/bin/java.exe '-version'" finished with returncode 0. Output: 1.3.1_07

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:09

Found valid JAVA_HOME directory D:Programmejdk1.3.1_07 with JDK version 1.3.1_07.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:10

Creating directory C:DOCUME1de2g09f0LOCALS1Tempinstall.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:10

Creating file C:PROGRA~1sapinstJ2EEINSTALL.log.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:10

Output of C:/DOCUME1/de2g09f0/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe_2/SAPCAR.exe is written to the logfile J2EEINSTALL.log.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:11

Output of C:/DOCUME1/de2g09f0/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe_2/SAPCAR.exe '-x' '-v' '-g' '-i' '-n' '-R' 'C:/DOCUME1/de2g09f0/LOCALS1/Temp/install' '-f' 'D:/temp/SAPinst_WAS/J2EE-ENG/J2EENGINE/J2EEINSTALL.SAR,':

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:11

Copying file D:/temp/SAPinst_WAS/J2EE-ENG/TOOLS/INS-J2EE.JAR to: C:/DOCUME1/de2g09f0/LOCALS1/Temp/install/sharedlib/ins-j2ee.jar.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:38:11

Creating file C:DOCUME1de2g09f0LOCALS1Tempinstallsharedlibins-j2ee.jar.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:39:31

Running the command "D:Programmejdk1.3.1_07/bin/java.exe '-version'" finished with returncode 0. Output: 1.3.1_07

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:33

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:37

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_LocalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:40

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_C11_LocalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:42

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_C11_GlobalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:44

Account user="de2gce0dSAPServiceC11" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:47

Account user="de2gce0dc11adm" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:49

Account user="de2gce0dc11adm" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:39:51

Account user="de2gce0dSAPServiceC11" does not exist. <#1>

INFO 2003-12-16 12:39:52

Looking for WebAS instances installed on this host...

INFO 2003-12-16 12:39:52

No installed instances found!

INFO 2003-12-16 12:40:41

Copying file C:/PROGRA1/sapinst/keydb.xml to: C:/PROGRA1/sapinst/keydb.1.xml.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:40:41

Creating file C:PROGRA~1sapinstkeydb.1.xml.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:41

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:43

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:44

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:49

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_LocalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:51

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_LocalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO 2003-12-16 12:40:53

Account SAP_LocalAdmin has been created.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:40:54

Modification description="SAP Local Administration Group" for account SAP_LocalAdmin was successful.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:56

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_C11_LocalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:40:58

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_C11_LocalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO 2003-12-16 12:41:01

Account SAP_C11_LocalAdmin has been created.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:41:01

Modification description="SAP Local Administration Group" for account SAP_C11_LocalAdmin was successful.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:41:03

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_C11_GlobalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:41:05

Account group="de2gce0dSAP_C11_GlobalAdmin" does not exist. <#1>

INFO 2003-12-16 12:41:08

Account SAP_C11_GlobalAdmin has been created.

INFO 2003-12-16 12:41:08

Modification description="SAP Global Administration Group" for account SAP_C11_GlobalAdmin was successful.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:41:10

Account user="de2gce0dSAPServiceC11" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:41:13

Account user="de2gce0dSAPServiceC11" does not exist. <#1>

          • Transaction begin ********************************************************


account de2g09f0 exists with parameter domain="WW901"


Account de2gce0d/SAPServiceC11 has ADS path 'WinNT://de2gce0d/SAPServiceC11'


existence check for user de2gce0dSAPServiceC11 returned false.

ERROR 2003-12-16 12:41:15

FSL-01002 Unable to create account de2gce0dSAPServiceC11. Das Kennwort entspricht nicht den Anforderungen der Kennwortrichtlinien. Überprüfen Sie die Kennwortlänge, die Komplexität des Kennworts und die Anforderungen bezüglich früherer Kennwörter.

          • Transaction end **********************************************************

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:42:41

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:42:46

Account user="de2gce0dSAPServiceC11" does not exist. <#1>

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:42:48

Account user="de2gce0dSAPServiceC11" does not exist. <#1>

          • Transaction begin ********************************************************


account de2g09f0 exists with parameter domain="WW901"


Account de2gce0d/SAPServiceC11 has ADS path 'WinNT://de2gce0d/SAPServiceC11'


existence check for user de2gce0dSAPServiceC11 returned false.

ERROR 2003-12-16 12:42:51

FSL-01002 Unable to create account de2gce0dSAPServiceC11. Das Kennwort entspricht nicht den Anforderungen der Kennwortrichtlinien. Überprüfen Sie die Kennwortlänge, die Komplexität des Kennworts und die Anforderungen bezüglich früherer Kennwörter.

          • Transaction end **********************************************************

WARNING 2003-12-16 12:43:41

The current step ended up with an error, but the installation has been continued.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:43:42

The file system export (share) saploc does not exist.

INFO[E] 2003-12-16 12:43:47

Account user="de2gce0dc11adm" does not exist. <#1>

ERROR 2003-12-16 12:43:47

FJS-00003 TypeError: user has no properties (in script InstallationScript_102, line 3642: ???)

WARNING 2003-12-16 12:44:08

The installation has been canceled by user request.

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Olaf,

Please delete all users and groups that have been created during your first try. And then start the installation again: Please do not use the standard installation but the custom installation instead. Everywhere where you have to type in passwords, choose a password which fit the security of your company.

That should solve your installation problem.

Please let me know.

Best regards,
